Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Real Women's Guide to Organizing Your Closet

As I began packing for a road trip to Florida, I decided I needed to try on my summer clothes. I got  a little carried away and ended up dumping everything from my side of the Master bedroom closet onto the bed. Which, as usual for any project I take on, grew into a total closet reorganization.

So I ordered these clever little rod markers from Amazon and, with speedy Prime shipping, was ready to go in no time. Full speed ahead!

The closet used to be organized by color, which looked beautiful but wasn't very practical. I never knew which orange top fit and which didn't, which jeans zip up and which don't.

So I decided to try on each item of clothing before I either packed it or hung it back up. 

I barely got through my capri pants, before there was a little problem.  Nothing fit. Even the old trick of lying flat on the bed and sucking it in before zipping didn't help. All but two pair of last summer's capri's (the meager pile on the right) were toast!

But, after only a few minutes of crying and screaming at myself in the full length mirror, I devised a revised "closet plan":  I'd use my new markers to organize my closet by SIZE.

Here's how I labeled pile #1, the highest:

Pile #2, not quite as high:

And finally, pile #3, only two sad pair of capri's left.
At least they won't take up too much room in my suitcase.

The job is finally done.
The closet doesn't look as pretty but, for now, it works.

Out of concern for my mental health, I decided to stop trying on summer clothes before I reached the other side. That's where the bathing suits and camisole tops live.

Summer doesn't arrive early here in Maine so it's back to Weight Watchers for awhile before I even dare organize that part of the closet!

Linking to Flaunt It Friday at Chic On a Shoestring

Friday, February 16, 2018

Too Angry to Knit

 This morning, I sat down to knit for awhile.
 I couldn't even complete a single row.

The first student killed at Douglas H.S in Florida. was buried this morning.

As a retired high school teacher, I never want to see scenes like this again.


I remember Lockdowns.

Being scared, even as an adult.
Grabbing students from the hallway.
Covering and locking the door (from the Outside, with a Key!)
Hiding a boy in the Ladies' Room with me.

"Hideaway Helper"?
Get Real!
This is Life & Death.

And who can forget the fear of hearing someone rattle the doorknob?
Even when you know it's a drill.

When I started blogging, I decided to "keep it light" and limit myself  to "lifestyle" topics.
Today I just can't. I'll have to let the blog (me!) speak for itself and assume that readers who disagree will no longer follow.

Because, enough is enough.
Congress. Must. Act.

Or we need to vote every one of them out in November.

The Introduction to one of my knitting books reads,
 "Knitting can be a perfect antidote to today's hectic, stress-filled life. It is calming and rewarding, and can even become habit-forming."

Not today.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and, although my childhood is long past, I still love making Valentines.

My need to glue and paste for Valentine's Day probably started with one of these.
Remember the excitement of making Valentine boxes to bring to school?
All we needed was a shoebox, colored paper, Mom's doilies, and Elmer's glue.

Creating the perfect Valentine box would keep my sisters and I busy at the dining room table for hours as the big day approached. The competition for the most beautiful box was fierce.

At school, we'd fill our friends' Valentine boxes with little cards like this.
And wait to see who put a special one in our Valentine box.

(Maybe the boy we "liked" would finally express his undying love?)

DH and I are older "Valentines" now . . . but still in love, and camping together, after all these years.

"Marry a man your own age", said Phyllis Diller. "As your beauty fades, so will his eyesight."

Good advice!

Speaking of camping, I love this Valentine box! 

It was created by Suzy Myers and is made of 100% recycled materials. Suzy has posted a "how-to" tutorial on her blog, Suzy's Artsy-Crafty Sitcom. It brings back memories of happy Maine summers spent in our vintage "tab".

The big day is almost here and
I still have a little more Valentine cutting and pasting to complete before tomorrow.

But this one's for you.

Happy Valentine's Memories!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Reflecting on Two Years "Away"

A lot can happen in two years. 
Here's what's been going on while I've been goofing off away from my blog.

I turned 70 . . . OMG!  The Good News:  I celebrated my birthday with my best friend (DH!) drinking champagne on a balcony overlooking the ocean in Portugal!

I taught myself to knit . . . again. My current repetoire consists of scarves and pussyhats.  I'm looking to expand my "collection" once I learn how to knit something that is not rectangular.

I lost 10 pounds . . . and gained it back over the holidays. Freestyle? I can do this!

I danced like no one was watching (thank God) in a pub in Dublin. (No, that's not DH!)

I lost my dear friend, Anita, to cancer.  When will we find a cure for womens' cancers?

I got dreadlocks. Sort of. They're clip on so I can be a part-time free spirit to balance out my latent OCD. (Did I mention that Fiber College is always a great time?)

DH got one too!

I camped. A lot.

I crossed Elton John off  my Bucket List!

In fact, I crossed Liverpool off my Bucket List too!

And I made things . . .
Tote Bags 

and aprons for friends.

Baskets for the library fundraiser.

A memory quilt, with Miss Stella from Gee's Bend.

 Altered Books.

and Sea Glass jewelry.

A busy two years.

No wonder I didn't have time to blog!

Linking to:
 Amaze Me Monday 252 at DWELLINGS - The Heart of the Home
Show & Share #393 at Coastal Charm

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Welcome Back to Applegate Lane! I've missed you!

I really thought that no one was reading this little blog, so, two years ago I just . . .

Stopped. Writing. 

Related image

I was shocked but really flattered surprised when, on a road trip to Searsport over the weekend, two different friends mentioned my abandoned blog. One (Yes, it's you, Kendra!) said how much she misses reading it. (Wow!) And another, who happens to own our favorite campground, Searsport Shores, told me about some sisters who have booked a visit in June because they read about the campground on my blog! That meant a lot because I discovered Searsport Shores on a special road trip with my own sister back in 2007.

Ever since the weekend, the blog gods seem to be calling to me. 
I really do love to write. And I love to take photos. I love to meet new people. I love to make things. 
I love to travel. I love to blog. So . . .

 22 Applegate Lane is back!

I'm so excited!
I hope you'll follow along . . .

Strawberry Fields Forever!