Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and, although my childhood is long past, I still love making Valentines.

My need to glue and paste for Valentine's Day probably started with one of these.
Remember the excitement of making Valentine boxes to bring to school?
All we needed was a shoebox, colored paper, Mom's doilies, and Elmer's glue.

Creating the perfect Valentine box would keep my sisters and I busy at the dining room table for hours as the big day approached. The competition for the most beautiful box was fierce.

At school, we'd fill our friends' Valentine boxes with little cards like this.
And wait to see who put a special one in our Valentine box.

(Maybe the boy we "liked" would finally express his undying love?)

DH and I are older "Valentines" now . . . but still in love, and camping together, after all these years.

"Marry a man your own age", said Phyllis Diller. "As your beauty fades, so will his eyesight."

Good advice!

Speaking of camping, I love this Valentine box! 

It was created by Suzy Myers and is made of 100% recycled materials. Suzy has posted a "how-to" tutorial on her blog, Suzy's Artsy-Crafty Sitcom. It brings back memories of happy Maine summers spent in our vintage "tab".

The big day is almost here and
I still have a little more Valentine cutting and pasting to complete before tomorrow.

But this one's for you.

Happy Valentine's Memories!


  1. You got me laughing with that Phyllis Diller quote. How true!
    Love your camping photos . . . I can hardly wait for warm weather (no freezing nights) to head out camping:)
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Connie :)

    1. Thanks, Connie. We are camping in North Carolina right now and it's 29 degrees tonight! Guess it will be awhile before we get those warm camping days back home in Maine! Do you camp in a tent or camper? Where do you like to camp? So much fun to meet another camper! Hope you'll stay in touch, Cheryl


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