Thursday, February 8, 2018

Reflecting on Two Years "Away"

A lot can happen in two years. 
Here's what's been going on while I've been goofing off away from my blog.

I turned 70 . . . OMG!  The Good News:  I celebrated my birthday with my best friend (DH!) drinking champagne on a balcony overlooking the ocean in Portugal!

I taught myself to knit . . . again. My current repetoire consists of scarves and pussyhats.  I'm looking to expand my "collection" once I learn how to knit something that is not rectangular.

I lost 10 pounds . . . and gained it back over the holidays. Freestyle? I can do this!

I danced like no one was watching (thank God) in a pub in Dublin. (No, that's not DH!)

I lost my dear friend, Anita, to cancer.  When will we find a cure for womens' cancers?

I got dreadlocks. Sort of. They're clip on so I can be a part-time free spirit to balance out my latent OCD. (Did I mention that Fiber College is always a great time?)

DH got one too!

I camped. A lot.

I crossed Elton John off  my Bucket List!

In fact, I crossed Liverpool off my Bucket List too!

And I made things . . .
Tote Bags 

and aprons for friends.

Baskets for the library fundraiser.

A memory quilt, with Miss Stella from Gee's Bend.

 Altered Books.

and Sea Glass jewelry.

A busy two years.

No wonder I didn't have time to blog!

Linking to:
 Amaze Me Monday 252 at DWELLINGS - The Heart of the Home
Show & Share #393 at Coastal Charm


  1. Happy Birthday. Welcome back. You have my sympathy. You have my smiles. What a life you are leading. It's no wonder you had no time for blogging. I'm glad you're back.

  2. Thanks you so much for your thoughtful comment. It's good to be back!

  3. Oh my goodness! It is so good to see you back blogging. I'm catching up on all your posts now! What a busy 2 years you have had! So good to reconnect! Hugs!!!


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