Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Welcome Back to Applegate Lane! I've missed you!

I really thought that no one was reading this little blog, so, two years ago I just . . .

Stopped. Writing. 

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I was shocked but really flattered surprised when, on a road trip to Searsport over the weekend, two different friends mentioned my abandoned blog. One (Yes, it's you, Kendra!) said how much she misses reading it. (Wow!) And another, who happens to own our favorite campground, Searsport Shores, told me about some sisters who have booked a visit in June because they read about the campground on my blog! That meant a lot because I discovered Searsport Shores on a special road trip with my own sister back in 2007.

Ever since the weekend, the blog gods seem to be calling to me. 
I really do love to write. And I love to take photos. I love to meet new people. I love to make things. 
I love to travel. I love to blog. So . . .

 22 Applegate Lane is back!

I'm so excited!
I hope you'll follow along . . .

Strawberry Fields Forever!


  1. Me, too! I was sad when the emails announcing another blog post stopped. I’m the one who’s been wanting to see Searsport Shores after reading all your travel stories! I started following your blog when you and your sister were redoing your Mom’s place. Thanks for picking up the pen again! Or should that be “returning to the keyboard”?

    1. Glad to be back. You'll LOVE Searsport Shores!Mom's house is done now...on to more projects!

  2. We MISSED you so very much. I am so glad you came back to us.

    1. I missed all of my blog friends as well. Lots to catch up on!


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