Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Real Women's Guide to Organizing Your Closet

As I began packing for a road trip to Florida, I decided I needed to try on my summer clothes. I got  a little carried away and ended up dumping everything from my side of the Master bedroom closet onto the bed. Which, as usual for any project I take on, grew into a total closet reorganization.

So I ordered these clever little rod markers from Amazon and, with speedy Prime shipping, was ready to go in no time. Full speed ahead!

The closet used to be organized by color, which looked beautiful but wasn't very practical. I never knew which orange top fit and which didn't, which jeans zip up and which don't.

So I decided to try on each item of clothing before I either packed it or hung it back up. 

I barely got through my capri pants, before there was a little problem.  Nothing fit. Even the old trick of lying flat on the bed and sucking it in before zipping didn't help. All but two pair of last summer's capri's (the meager pile on the right) were toast!

But, after only a few minutes of crying and screaming at myself in the full length mirror, I devised a revised "closet plan":  I'd use my new markers to organize my closet by SIZE.

Here's how I labeled pile #1, the highest:

Pile #2, not quite as high:

And finally, pile #3, only two sad pair of capri's left.
At least they won't take up too much room in my suitcase.

The job is finally done.
The closet doesn't look as pretty but, for now, it works.

Out of concern for my mental health, I decided to stop trying on summer clothes before I reached the other side. That's where the bathing suits and camisole tops live.

Summer doesn't arrive early here in Maine so it's back to Weight Watchers for awhile before I even dare organize that part of the closet!

Linking to Flaunt It Friday at Chic On a Shoestring


  1. Thanks for coming back to blogging! This post was perfect for us ladies and your tags are perfect. I started following you because we used to have a Casita and your blog was fun with crafts and old junk, my favorite things. We live on the north east part of Dallas and when we drive towards Austin, we pass Rice, TX where Casitas are made. They are so great and gosh when we moved up to a larger Travel Trailer we sold ours in 15 minutes, literally

  2. So good to hear from you, Laura. We love our little Casita and are currently packing for a trip to Charleston, SC and St. Augustine, FL. We loved our trip to Texas and made the most of our time there...beautiful state! I'm still into crafts and "junk"too. Do you have a blog? If not, I'll look forward to keeping in touch with you on mine. Have a great weekend!

  3. This is so true but all my clothes are in the XL+ size now and even then some don't fit. GRRRR, maybe I need to join in a weight loss program. I do need to go through my clothes and edit things out that I never wore in 2017.

  4. LOL I go through my closet often and end up with very few clothes in there as a result. I sell anything that doesn't fit in a consignment store, donate to the local op shops or just give away stuff I don't wear or no longer fits. Unless its something I love which I can't part with and tell myself that one day I'll fit into it again. LOL


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