Wednesday, March 7, 2018

On The Road Again!

This is the first year we've tried "winter camping". For us this means carefully timing our escape from Maine between snow storms and driving South as quickly as we can before the weather catches up with our little Casita. We made it to Harrisburg, Pa the first night. Since we carry our "little house"with us, we slept in the Cracker Barrel parking lot, a welcoming place for RVers on long hauls. (I just realized that I sound like I drive a huge semi and talk into a CB radio . . . not!)

We made it to North Carolina on day 2 . . .

And began seeing little signs of Spring.

Late in the afternoon on day #3, we arrived at our destination, St. Augustine, Florida.

We're camping in Velano, right across from the Beach . . . 

Where we've spent the past week watching the sunrise over the ocean . . .

Collecting shells . . .

Enjoying Cuban coffee and Tres Leches (delicious cake made with "three milks")

at our favorite cafe on Aviles St. in old St. Augustine . . .

 Marveling at the colors and scents of Spring while a Nor'easter blows in at home . . .

Napping in the hammock . . .

Catching up with old friends from Maine, like Fred . . .

Peg, and "Survivor Bob" .

And, at the end of the day, watching the sun set back into the water.

While quietly marveling at how very lucky we are.

Tomorrow, we pack up the Casita and head to one of our very favorite cities,
 Charleston, South Carolina.

Hope you'll follow along with us!

This post is linked to:
Take Me Away Link Party at Calypso In the Countryl


  1. So glad you missed the nor’easter, it looks like you are having a great time! I worked in Jacksonville FL for a month and went to both St Augustine and Charleston as side trips. Both are fun, beautiful cities. Enjoy and hopefully when you are motoring home all the bad weather has gone. Love your pictures, they make me wish for beach time.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I would love a chance to live in this area for 6 months. What a great opportunity to see the area. Every time we go to Charleston I feel as if I must have lived in the low country in another life! We’re driving through Georgia now on our way to SC. I’ll blog again from there! Cheryl

  2. Cheryl, how fun to be able to travel with your little Casita and see such beauty. I have St Augustine on my bucket list of places to visit. One of these days!!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I hope you do get to St. Augustine someday. It’s Avery old city; nothing like the “South Beach” image most of us have of Florida. I love the narrow cobblestone streets, outdoor cafes, and unusual shops and galleries. On our way to Charleston today . . . my very favorite area, the “low country”. So good to reconnect with you again!

    2. Oops - typo. Should say “ a very” old city!

  3. That's a lot of driving! So nice you have your "little Casita." Looks like you had a nice escape from winter! Thanks for linking up to Take Me Away!


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