Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cold Hands, Warm Hearts

Last week I wrote about the "snow fort for adults" that DH created in our front yard. Since then, he added a "snow fire pit", inspiring our neighbor across the street to do some digging of her own. She made two "snow caves" and encouraged us to have a party Friday night to celebrate what we all hope will be THE END OF WINTER!

So we invited neighbors, friends, and family to the 1st (Annual?) "Apple Freeze" Party here on Applegate Lane. We got the fire pit ready, lit luminarias, and heated up snacks and cider.

We could hardly wait for darkness to fall!

Guests had to duck down and walk through the "snow arch" to reach the fire pit.
Our neighbor, Susie, served hot cider over an open fire in one of her "snow caves" . . .

And shrimp with cocktail sauce in the other!

The night was so cold that the shrimp froze. No problem - guests just warmed them over the fire.

Our granddaughter, Anna, cooked her own red hot dog (a uniquely Maine treat) . . .

While my sister Andi and DH Dave stayed warm by the fire. .

We celebrated BFF Mary Elizabeth's birthday around the fire too. . . .with a hot pink and zebra striped cake to suit her vibrant personality.

 On Sunday afternoon, we did the whole thing again for DD Kristen and her friends.

This gang really loves a party . . .  

Especially one with red hot dogs and marshmallows!

Needless to say, a good time was had by all!

Now that we've had about as much fun in the snow as we could possibly have, we're ready for the first gentle days of spring to start melting our igloo, caves and fire pit into happy memories.
It was fun but . . .
We're ready to see some daffodils peeking through all that snow!


  1. Boy, you guys really know how to party!

  2. Congratulations on making a bad winter a happy time. This is a good idea for us Floridians when we are in the sweltering season!

  3. Boy would I love to live on your street.

  4. Cheryl, what a fun party! Lovely to have friends and neighbors like that!

  5. Oh, I remember Red Snapper Hot Dogs!!! I was a New Hampshire girl for some time and I remember those dogs! My family big hot dog eaters! (my Mom born and raised in MASS and we had a summer home in NH, then we lived in Gilmanton and Derry for some years when my dad worked for the Boston Newspapers). And I LOVE the snow forts and fire pit. I remember a big blizzard one year when I was a teen and we got snowed in in Gilmanton ( we were living 'up a mountain' so to speak) and we had to have propane snowmobiled in to us for heat!!! I love the beauty of the snow but don't miss the shoveling of the snow. I didn't mind the cold and still don't; I live in the south to be closer to my retiree parents in FL and family who followed them.

  6. What a terrific and fun party, just as if it was in summer, no one feels uncomfortable and are enjoying the snow pits! The Red Snapper hot dogs sound awesome. A belated happy birthday to ME too.
    Happy weekend to you,


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