Monday, March 2, 2015

Felting Class 201

On Wednesday evening, six of us got together at my house for another felting class with local fiber artist Kathleen Gerdes.

In November, we learned to felt 3-dimensional figures;  this time we learned to make wall hangings. Here's our inspiration piece, Kathleen's "Dancing Lady.


 After filling our wine glasses (!), we got to work.

As with all creative efforts, each of us interpreted the project differently.

Especially Carolyn, who just followed her muse and ended up with an amazing abstract piece with no dancing lady in it at all!

Here are the finished projects . . . three dancing ladies and one abstract wall hanging.

My wall hanging did not quite get done . . . I think I was having too much fun!
Since I'd already made a dancing lady at Fiber College, I worked on a wall hanging of our little Casita looking over Penobscot Bay from our favorite campsite at Searsport Shores.
(My inspiration for the yet-to-be started sky is VanGogh's  Starry Night . . .
what more beautiful sky is there than that???)

Before I could finish my project, I needed to stop at Port Fiber for some extra felting needles.
While I was there, I admired this wall hanging in their gallery. It was felted by Kathleen Gerdes, who taught our little class. I love the colors and textures she used.

My friend, Mary Elizabeth, has renamed our felting classes "Poke & Drink".
By whatever name, we all enjoyed the opportunity to get together and share a little wine and creativity on a cold (and starry) winter night.

This post is linked to:
Tweak It Tuesdays at Cozy Little House
Show & Share Tuesday at Coastal Charm

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