Sunday, February 22, 2015

Snow Forts Aren't Just for Kids Anymore!

 Here's the view from our kitchen window tonight.

This afternoon, we built a snow fort!
 Our friend, Corlia, who is visiting from sub-tropical South Africa, has been waiting for the perfect day to play in the snow.
DH, who is a big kid at heart,  got out his shovel and gave her a hand.

After a lot of digging, this is what they created.

A snow fort for old farts adults!

Once it was done, neighbors started stopping by to see it.
BFF Mary Elizabeth was first.

 Followed by our next door neighbor, Linda.

 Corlia loves the red hot dogs we have here in Maine (she calls them "Viennas") so DH made a fire
for a cook-out.

The fort has built-in seating too. Corlia and I were the first to try it out.

Two friends from opposite sides of the world playing in the snow.

Here's our little chimney. . . the only hint of the fort from the street.

And Corlia peeking out of it.

Since this is a fort for adults and it was surely 5 o'clock somewhere, it wasn't long before the snow fort became the Snow Bar. Drinks were served around the fire . . . at least for those of us who were still flexible enough to wiggle our way in!

DH was so tired from shoveling all afternoon that he went to bed early. Corlia and I decided to stay up and watch the Oscars . . . 
Until we remembered this sign in the garage. It had been a gag gift for DH years ago when we had a  camp in New Hampshire. Needless to say, we snuck out in our slippers, laughing all the way, to add it as the finishing touch to the fort.

 Girls (of a certain age) Gone Wild!

Who said anything about growing old gracefully?
 This post is shared at:
Amaze Me Monday at DWELLINGS
The Sunday Showcase at Under the Table and Dreaming
Show & Share at Coastal Charm


  1. OMGosh!! I have a HUGE smile on my face reading this post. How fun. Just love it. My grandson (17) and his brother (19) built built forte last winter but I don't think THEIRS turned into a bar...or DID it. LOL
    xx, Carol

  2. I love your fort! I wish I lived closer and could also come over to "play". Enjoy. 😊

  3. I am visiting you from Amaze Me Monday. This is SO awesome...I just love it! I am a big kid too and I would have been right there with you! I remember building and igloo by hollowing out a snow drift when I was kid...I lined it with newspapers and was really relatively warm in there....great post!

  4. oh my gosh, HOW FUN! i love how you are really doing it up in there, with your campfire. hilarious!

  5. That is super awesome! I live in Texas and have never even seen snow completely cover the ground, so to me a snow fort is comparable to Disney World!

  6. Build it, and they will come!!! Every picture I saw, I said "Oh, no, they didn't!" But, they did!!! You guys are nuts, and you were having such a good time! Hot dogs and drinks in the fort! And the visitors!!! Oh, my!!! I have a picture of me and my sister at about 4 and 3 years old in an igloo/snow fort my dad built. It had a little round window. Mom took the picture. What fun!

  7. That is hilarious! What fun. And what a great snow fort. Who says 'old' people can't have fun eh?


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