Sunday, March 24, 2019

Road Trip: Lazy Days in Tampa

After a great time in St. Augustine, we drove across Florida to Tampa to visit our grown daughter and two granddaughters, who live in Spring Hill. It's warmer here than in St. Augustine so we've been spending our days by the pool. We both really feel like we're on vacation here.

It's not easy to describe where we're staying in Tampa. The campground RV Resort, Lazy Days, is everything we always thought we would hate in a campground:  Crowded; small concrete-slab sites, mostly huge class A RV's, very few trees, no view, and attached to the biggest RV sales lot I've ever seen. Horrible, right?

When we first stayed here in 2013, we chose LazyDays because it was near USF, where our grandson was starting college. It's also fairly close to DH's daughter's home in Spring Hill. We thought it would be the perfect location for short visits, in spite of all the negatives we imagined.

Our little Casita amid all the "big guys" at Lazy Days

But - surprise - the more we've stayed here,  the more we like it. For $42.00 per night we have perfect weather, a huge pool, hot tub, tennis courts, restaurants, a pool bar, camping store, RV service on site, poolside entertainment and free educational programs on topics related to RVing.

 And the whole place is beautifully maintained.

DH loves the hot tub

The restaurant is right off of the pool area and enormous indoor rec hall.

And it's shaped like an RV!

The food and drinks are good and reasonably priced . I love that you can order right from the pool!

There's even a daily Happy Hour with tropical drinks and Margaritas for only $3.50.

Ironically, the clock by the pool has stopped  . . . at 5:33 . . .  proving that, at Lazy Days, it's always 5 o'clock somewhere!

We've really enjoyed reading, snacking, visiting and just relaxing at the tables on the pool deck. This is not at all like our favorite woodsy, waterfront campgrounds in Maine and New Hampshire but, strangely enough, we're having a great time here! Guess it pays to try new things sometimes.

Today our daughter and two granddaughters, who live in the Tampa area, drove to Lazy Days to spend the day with us. We don't get to see them as often as we'd like so this was a special day for all of us. We spent most of the day catching up by (and in) the pool.

DH with his daughter, Crystal, and granddaughters Taytum (L) and Hannah (R).

Tomorrow we'll be on the road again headed for one of our favorite places, Charleston, SC. 
Hope you'll follow along with us!

This post is linked to:
Homestyle Gathering 11 at My Wee Abode


  1. Cheryl, for the first time in a long time I feel like jumping in a hot time after seeing your hubby in that one. Makes me long for some sunny weather, but for now I'm just going to follow along with you and enjoy your excursions vicariously.

    1. We'll make room for you in our virtual hot tub! I usually avoid hot tubs - too hot for me - but this one was just right - really enjoyed the warm weather, hot tub, and pool. Hope you get some sunny weather at Rivercrest Cottage soon! Hugs, Cheryl

  2. Cheryl: What a great RV park. Sounds like so much fun and it makes me mad that our motorhome is just sitting here not being used. Gotta get going!.Happy Monday..Judy

    1. It was a lot of fun, surprisingly so! I think you need to get your DH or whoever, hop in that RV, and come to Maine someday. Just don't come in the winter! We just arrived in Charleston, SC late this afternoon and I'm so excited to be here. I love the "low country" so much that I swear I must have lived here in a past life! Hugs, Cheryl

  3. This looks terrific, Cheryl! Definitely longing for a bit of warm weather!

    1. Hi Jeanie, I hope you get some warm, sunny Spring weather at your house soon. We arrived in Charleston, SC today and it's 77 degrees and sunny. Wow! At home in Maine it's in the 40's but at least my BFF tells me the snow has finally melted. Thanks for following along on our crazy road trip! Hugs, Cheryl

  4. You look like you are having relaxing fun, Cheryl...enjoy your time with the family!

    1. Thanks, Linda! We left Tampa yesterday for Charleston, SC, one of my very favorite places. Looking forward to some R&R, dolphin-watching, and blackened shrimp. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a great week! Cheryl


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