Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Road Trip: Mt. PLeasant, SC

We're resting at camp today after yesterday's 435 mile drive from Tampa to Charleston.

Just outside of Orlando, we hit a traffic jam and soon realized why: a series of hot air balloons had just taken off and were passing over the highway in the early morning light.

DH had awakened with some kind of stomach flu so I did the driving - about 8 hours of it.  We were really happy to finally get to to South Carolina. We're staying at a KOA Campground in Mt. Pleasant, just over the Ravenel bridge from Charleston.

Our campground is on part of the original site of the historic Oakland PlantationThe plantation is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and includes the main plantation house, kitchen, dairy, smokehouse, family cemetery, and slave cemetery. Some of the plantation's acreage is preserved while a number of acres have been sold for commercial use - the campground and a shopping center. Unfortunately, Oakland Plantation is not open to the public.

Later, we had a light supper at the Boone Hall Farms Market & Cafe, which is very close to our campground.

The food here is fresh, local, and delicious. Much of it is grown right across Rt. 17 at the still-under-production, Boone Hall Plantation.

The cakes are homemade and huge. We passed on dessert tonight (in deference to DH's still-unsettled tummy) but  hope to come back for cake and coffee some afternoon before we leave Mt. Pleasant.

If you don't eat at the cafe, you can just come to Boone Hall Farm to shop in the Farm Market. All of the produce at the market is grown locally, The market also carries every kind of Southern food product imaginable. Like Grits . . .  

Fresh-picked strawberries (they're in season now in South Carolina ). . . 

And deep-fried peanuts that you eat shell and all.
(Believe it or not, they're delicious!)

The market also carries a small selection of local crafts, like these Mt. Pleasant sweet grass baskets.

Tomorrow we hope that DH is feeling better so that we can explore the area and do some antiquing.
Can't wait!

This post is linked to:
Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop at Eclectic Red Barn
Keep in Touch #61 at Let's Add Sprinkles


  1. Rick's dad summers in the Carolinas and they really are quite beautiful. It sounds like it will be a wonderful adventure and trip!

  2. HI Jeanie, It's always beautiful here - one of our very favorite places. I love the marshy low country, the food, the culture, the weather, the islands and beaches, all of it. And I'm from Maine! Your father-in-law must really enjoy his summers here. Great to hear from you. Have a good weekend! ~Cheryl

  3. That looks like such a lovely area to explore. I have never been only got as south as Virginia, but I would love to visit sometime.

    1. HI Mary, It is one of our very favorite areas to visit. I really hope you can get to Charleston someday; maybe put it on your bucket list? Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a good week! ~Cheryl


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