Friday, March 22, 2019

Road Trip: Last Day in St. Augustine

Today is our last day in St. Augustine, Florida and the weather is perfect: sunny and warm. We spent the day in the Old Town and Lincolnville sections of St. Augustine with friends, Fred and Anne.

Our first stop was a return to La Herencia Cuban cafe on Aviles Street.. We'd been promised that the owner would be making a new batch of our favorite dessert, Tres Leches cake, by today.

This cake is very popular in Latin America, especially Mexico and Nicaragua. It'ss a yellow cake soaked in a mixture of three different types of milk: evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, and whole milk or heavy cream. 

It's topped off with whipped creme frosting and a marischino cherry. In case you;d like to try making your own Tres Leches, here's a recipe. Delicioso!

After enjoying our fill of Tres Leches and Cuban coffee, we wandered the narrow streets of "Old Town", the oldest part of St. Augustine, first settled in 1565.

The flowers in Old Town are beautiful; walled gardens are everywhere.

I love the Spanish architecture.

The walls, and many of the homes,  in Old Town are made from Coquina, a very hard, and very old,  material formed from crushed seashells.

This old house is also on Aviles Street. Notice that the houses are built right on the edge of the narrow streets.

It actually looks as if it belongs in New England rather than Florida.

The Lincolnville Historic District is St. Augustine's most prominent historically black neighborhood and is associated with many significant events in the city's African American history. I love the little house, each with a shady front porch, that line the streets of Lincolnville.

Lincolnville was founded in 1866 by former slaves. During the Civil Rights Movement, Lincolnville was the base for activists who worked for the end of racial segregation in schools and public facilities in St. Augustine. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and activists from other parts of the country came to join local activists in non-violent protests.

The residents of Lincolnville are definitely not afraid of using color on the exteriors of their homes.

Most of them are small bungalows built on small lots covered in palms and bougainvilleas.

After an afternoon in Old Town, we drove back to North Beach to enjoy dinner and the sunset from the porch at Aunt Kate's restaurant.

Aunt Kate's is situated in a grove of live oaks on the banks of the inland waterway, adjacent to the campground. 

 Just a few steps from our campsite, it's the best place to watch the sunset while enjoying local seafood, . . . 

and maybe a Margarita!

 The sunset was absolutely beautiful. Perfect way to celebrate our last night at North Beach.
Until next year, that is!

Today we're off to Tampa for the next part of our adventure.
 Hope you'll follow along!

This post is linked to:
Best of the Weekend Party T Calypso In the Country
Saturday Sparks Link Party at Pieced Pastimes


  1. You have no idea how much I enjoyed tagging along with you today. I needed a change of pace and a little fresh air. Love the colorful cottages . . . they fit the topical areas, but would look out of place here in the pacific northwest. They just have such a happy vibe about them.
    Again, thanks for the great tour.
    Connie :)

  2. Hi Connie, So good to hear from you and maybe bring a little sunshine to your day. It's been cold and rainy at home in Maine too so we're happy to be here for awhile. I love all of the bright tropical colors as well; so much fun! I'm actually writing this poolside in Tampa; we came her for a few days to visit our grandchildren. Then it's off to one of our very favorite places - Charleston, SC. I'll try to post lots of photos; hope you can follow along. Wishing you sunshine! Cheryl

  3. Cheryl!! OMG!! Stunning photos!! I too love those colorful cottages!! I am a color girl so this was right up my alley!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for weighing in my my follow up post about Blogging!!
    May I give some advice????
    I see that you are only linked up to one party. I think that to get more exposure and comments, the linky parties really give that to bloggers. If you would like a copy of my linky party list and how i add it to each post. , email me @ You can pick the parties that you like and delete what you do not want to link up to...

  4. Hi Deb, Thanks so much for your comment, and your encouragement. I usually link up to more parties but since we've been on the road, I haven't done any "projects" or DIYs, just written posts about travel, and so many of the parties say they are only for recipes, home dec. or things you've made. I appreciate the offer to check out the parties you link to; I bet there are a lot of other linky parties that I don't know about. I'll do that this afternoon; thanks so much! Hugs, Cheryl

  5. Cheryl, even though spring has arrived she is not being very cooperative here. Still raining! Ha! Not like that won't be happening for awhile yet! Love those little cottages with the bright colors. So charming and good feeling right about now. Sounds like you had a wonderful time..Happy Weekend..Judy

    1. Hi again Judy, Hope the rain stops for you soon! I think we're all craving bright colors and sunshine about now! We're in Tampa now and it is a brief taste of summer; spent today at the pool. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and have a restful Sunday! ~Cheryl

  6. Hello Cheryl, We were in St. Augustine once, many years ago, and I loved wandering around the town. So much history and fun architecture. It looks like we are enjoying the same glorious spring weather on the west coast as you are in the southeast. You're probably warmer than we are!

    1. HI Lorrie, Thanks so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment. I usually blog about craft projects and home decorating but it's been fun to change it up while we're on the road. St. Augustine is indeed a beautiful city. It was cool for FL while we were there, mostly 60's. We're in Tampa now visiting grands and it's much warmer here - pool weather. Hope you are having a great weekend! Hugs, Cheryl

  7. Hi Cheryl. I'm new here from hopping over on a comment you left on a blog post by Debbie. Will be adding you to my blog list and coming back often.

  8. Hi! I'm so glad you stopped by. I just visited your blog and will be following you as well. I enjoyed reading the replies on Debbie's blog; blogging has certainly changed with the advent of advertising. I still prefer the more personal blogs where I feel as if I can get to know the writer a little bit. I'm so sorry to read that your husband is ill and will be praying for you both. I hope you'll visit again! Hugs, Cheryl

  9. I had no idea that St. Augustine is so filled with history and beauty. We definitely need to plan a trip there. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I can't wait to read more about your travels.

    1. Hi Tanya, Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. St. Augustine is a beautiful city; not at all what you would imagine when you close your eyes and think "Florida". I really hope you can visit it someday. I usually blog about home dec. and DIY projects but this road trip has been fun because it's forcing me to change it up and blog about something different for a change. I'm really enjoying it. We drove all day today and just arrived in my favorite city - Charleston, SC. Now I can't wait to start blogging about all there is to see and do here in the "low country". Hope you'll follow along. Hugs, Cheryl

  10. I've never been there but this looks like so much fun. Such fun color.

    1. Hi Katie, I hope you get a chance to visit St. Augustine someday; it's not like other area of Florida. Same weather but much more history and color. We love it. Thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment. Have a good week! Cheryl


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