Monday, June 29, 2015

Farewell, Mr. Flamingo

Pink Flamingos have become an iconic part of Americana.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

10 Tips for Organizing All That Bling

Still inspired by Marie Kondo's little book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I decided to go through my stash of costume jewelry. It was everywhere . . . some in an official "jewelry box", some in a junk drawer, some in the bathroom cabinet . . . you get the idea.

I didn't even know what I had.

Here are some tips I learned during the process.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Daddy's Desk

In our childhood home,
this was always just referred to "Daddy's Desk".

Here's how things were usually located at homework time when I was growing up:

Kid #1: "Mom, where's the stapler?"
Mom: "On Daddy's desk".
Kid #2: "I need rubber bands."
Mom: "They're in the top left drawer of Daddy's desk".
Kid #3: "Where is the typewriter paper?"  (Yes, we still used typewriters back then!)
Mom: "Look in Daddy's desk, under the Christmas cards with Santa on the front."

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The 150 Project: Michelle Obama & Me

Have you seen First Lady Michelle Obama's recent "Gimme Five" work-out video yet?
She's amazing . . .I'm totally impressed.

There's not much difference between Michelle and me really.
We both work out.

The First Lady works out here . . .
And I work out here.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Quick DIY Retirement Gift

Teachers have LOTs of required paperwork to complete. So does everyone who works. So I came up with a gift idea for colleagues who were retiring that was such a big hit that my supervisor asked me to make them each year for our district's special education retirees.


Monday, June 1, 2015

Quilting With the Stars

I'm not dancing with the stars (God forbid!) but
I am quilting with them.

Last Tuesday was the night of our Cobblestone Quilters
Annual Fundraising Auction.