Thursday, June 4, 2015

The 150 Project: Michelle Obama & Me

Have you seen First Lady Michelle Obama's recent "Gimme Five" work-out video yet?
She's amazing . . .I'm totally impressed.

There's not much difference between Michelle and me really.
We both work out.

The First Lady works out here . . .
And I work out here.

The First Lady has a personal trainer named Cornell . . .

And I have a personal trainer named Lauren.
So I went to Body by John today determined to try Mrs. Obama's workout.
Here's how I did:
Exercise #1. Crunches with the medicine ball.
Michelle makes this look easy!
Now it's my turn.
Look at that face!
Exercise #2. Jumping Rope
Michelle seems to jump rope almost effortlessly.

She even criss-crosses her feet between jumps.
Not easy!

Lauren does have me jump rope at the gym.
It's difficult but my endurance is slowly improving.

And the criss-crossy foot thing?
I think I'll have to keep working on that move!

Exercise #3: Jumping onto the Weight Bench
This is the part of Mrs. Obama's routine that totally blew me away.
She repeatedly jumps from the floor to the weight bench and back.
That takes incredible strength and balance.

But, heck, I'll give it a try.

I had to claw my way onto the bench, holding on to the nearby bars for dear life, while Lauren and intern Mary Alice yelled, "Don't do it! Don't do it! You'll kill yourself!"

When trainer, Al, is around, I like to box . . .
just like Michelle Obama.
(Well, sort of like Michelle Obama . . . we both wear gloves.)

Al says that I
"Float like a butterfly,
Sting like a bee"
 with those gloves on!
There are a few differences between the First Lady and me though.
1. I'm 20 years older than Michelle Obama.
2. I weigh at least 20 pounds more than Michelle Obama.
3. DH is not the President of the United States.
Minor details!

This post is linked to:
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Share Your Style at Common Ground


  1. Well, at least you're trying! I'd be terrified jumping that one way I'd re-break my ankle.

  2. This is so inspiring! I love the connections you made to the 1st lady!
    Also thank you for the kind comment(s) you made on my post. It's so fun to get comments like yours :)
    Your blog is lovely!
    -Hayley (from

  3. Oh this is so funny Cheryl. I am amazed at you for doing (mimicking/attempting) what Mrs. Obama does at the gym. And I think you are awesome to be going to the gym on a regular basis and getting fit! I haven't been to a gym since 2001!! Good for you!! Keep it up.

  4. She has a mean routine!! It would make me have a challenge! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  5. My sister-in-law, Jane, and I (Fonda) contemplated making a Jane and Fonda Workout Video years ago. We abandoned that idea quickly, but it sure would have been fun. Now, it's been about 25 years and even more of a joke!!! Enjoy!


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