Monday, June 29, 2015

Farewell, Mr. Flamingo

Pink Flamingos have become an iconic part of Americana.

We decorate our lawns and homes with them . . .
Hhhmmm we seem to see this a lot, pink plastic flamingos in campgrounds & RV Parks... Do you have one in front of your camper or RV?
photo from Pinterest
And even take them camping with us.
So it was sad to read of the recent death of Don Featherstone in Leominster, Massachusetts. 
Mr. Featherstone created the original flamingo lawn ornaments we all know and love.
from Pinterest
My sister brought this flock to New Hampshire with us just last week. 
They soon dotted the campsite and lake shore.
On a trip this Spring, we admired the flamingos at this beach house on Sullivan's Island, near Charleston, South Carolina.

Of course we had to pull over and take a few pictures of them!

 Mr. Featherstone's flamingos have even made their way into the hardware department.
This roll of Duck tape is for use in our little Casita camper.
Whimsical flamingo décor can be seen everywhere, especially in the summer.
Blogger Handmade Charlotte created this fantastically-feathered flamingo chandelier.
I love it (and her blog is worth checking out too)!
So here's a toast to Mr. Featherstone . . .

Thanks for all the years of kitchy, beachy, feathery
pink plastic fun!

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  1. I love the lawn Flamingos! I have had some and think I need to add one to my yard once again (my daughter has two at her house).


  2. What a fun post!!! Here's a toast to Mr. Featherstone and all those flamingo!!! (Love the ducktape.)

  3. I'm so glad someone wrote a post about this icon's inventor! Thanks for sharing all hte great pix ~ that chandy is a doozy!!!

  4. Yes! A toast and a farewell to Mr. Featherstone. My family had two that we dressed up for various occasions. I remember I made a polo shirt and golf pants, plus a golf club, for my stepfathers birthday, I believe. For my sister's college graduation, I made a cap and gown. Those flamingos were a source of fun and good, memorable times. I think mine got old and broken somewhere along the way, and when we are able to buy a house again, I will be looking for a new flock! Thanks for the memories.

  5. Here is a funny for you and your readers:

  6. I had to laugh when I read this. We learned of the passing of Mr. Featherstone on Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me on NPR.


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