Monday, June 1, 2015

Quilting With the Stars

I'm not dancing with the stars (God forbid!) but
I am quilting with them.

Last Tuesday was the night of our Cobblestone Quilters
Annual Fundraising Auction.

So much fabric . . . So little time!

I lucked out with this winning bid:
14 yards of "Stars" for $35.00.
Here's Lucy . . .  

Elvis . . .

And, of course, The Beatles.

I got bargains on lots of other fun fabrics too.
Like this Norman Rockwell of kids from the 1950's
(I think my sisters and I might be in there somewhere!)

There were four half-yard pieces of beachy fabrics . . . 

As well as some fun "foody" patterns . . .
veggies, ice cream, cakes, sushi, bread,
 and even wine corks.

I found two yards of this "pegboard" fabric in the stash.
BFF Mary Elizabeth hinted that it would make perfect valances for her two garage windows.

I can take a hint!
I sewed them up the next day and
 they're already up!

Quilters Mary and Jill were very efficient, and very funny, auctioneers!

It took three hours to auction off all of the donated fabric and sewing supplies.
All the proceeds benefit our Cobblestone Quilt Group.

Some members even donated compete quilt tops . . .

 Jill sold these as, "Done by Midnight Tonight" quilts!

It was tempting to bid on an "instant quilt" but
I knew that it would bother me to take credit for someone else's work.
So I passed.

I think I'll just stick with doing my own sewing
in the good company of my new friends:
Lucy, Elvis, John, Paul, George and Ringo.
Yours in fabric,

This post is stitched to:
Sew Darn Crafty Linky Party at Sew Many Ways
Show & Share at Coastal Charm
Craftastic Monday Link Party at Sew Can Do
Motivate Me Monday at Keeping It Simple
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On the Porch
 Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Stitch It, Blog It, Share It at Behind the Seams Sewing
Share Your Style at Common Ground


  1. Such unique fabrics! I used to be part of a quilt group, several, years ago before I had a car wreck and so many surgeries on my hands in 1998.

  2. Cheryl, you got some really fun fabrics. I can't wait to see what you do with them. I love quilts!


  3. gosh that looked like fun!! I don';t know of any groups around me, but if there are, I'm sure they are of the more serious nature...precision pieces for sure, not Crazy like me!!

  4. What fun....I love the Norman Rockwell and I Love Lucy fabrics.....adorable! Visiting you from Metamorphosis Mondays

  5. I bet the auction was so fun! I love the fabrics you shared. Thanks for linking up at the Stitch It, Blog It, Share Link Party. I hope you’ll join us every Sunday night at 7 with more of your creative sewing projects.
    ~Bonnie @ Behind the Seams Sewing


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