Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday at the ReStore

Saturday morning.
 Time for errands.
 And a stop at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

These old library card catalog drawers were only $5.00 each.
Remember when we actually used them to find books?
They'd make great craft room storage
or display pieces for collections of vintage postcards or Valentines.


This 1954 Singer sewing machine brought back memories.
I learned to sew on one just like it.
I bet a lot of us did.
 (Thanks, Mom!)

And who doesn't feel a burst of creativity when standing before piles of used shutters?
Shutters are the perennial project-junkie's best friend.

I just hung this one on the wall as it was.
Whimsical vintage items were simply clipped onto the slats
and can be changed out with the seasons.

Isn't this chippy green door beautiful?
I asked the couple who were purchasing it what they were going to do with it.
Since I rarely use things for the purpose for which they were intended,
I was surprised by their reply:
"We're going to use it for a door."

And there were so many old windows.
I got excited just looking at them!

This old Massachusetts apple box was filled with 10 cent kitchen tiles.
Unfortunately, the box was not for sale.
I liked it better than the tiles.

I have no idea what these were used for.
Maybe to burnish something?
I thought they'd make great little Christmas trees!

As soon as I got home, I regretted not buying this rusty toolbox for $5.00.

We've been downsizing.
I'm trying to bring fewer I-know-I'll-use-this-someday items into the house.   

Becky at Beyond the Picket Fence used a similar one as a planter.
Big mistake not sneaking that green one into the Subaru this morning.

I always check out the 50 cent bins.
They're treasure troves.
You never know what you'll find!

This rusty old lantern (?) was $3.00.
This one was a No Brainer.
It came home with me.

All I had to do was brush the cobwebs out of it,
add an LED candle,
and walk it out to the deck.
That's my kind of project!!

Do you have a ReStore?
Have your found "good junk" there?

Yours in rust,
Sharing this post at:
Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On the Porch
Motivate Me Monday at Keeping It Simple
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


  1. I believe the bristly Christmas tree things are actually for chimney cleaning. You attach multiple 8' long poles depending on the height of your fireplace chimney. The different size bristle are for different size flue pipes.

  2. Who knew? Thanks so much for letting me know what they are...makes sense now that you have explained it. I love the name you gave them: "those bristly Christmas tree things"! Thanks for visiting.

  3. What a great shutters and windows! I love the lantern also. I don't buy much from the Re-Store as I have NO Room for anything. Still trying to downsize and yes, I admit I keep shopping. It's an addicition!

  4. OH YES,YES! I went to the one in Bath. Loved it. You never know what they will have.
    There is one in Rockland, my Daughter was looking for used shutters. They had a gorgeous
    dining room set bamboo designer quality, only the chairs seats were so wide. Must have been for a custom order. I like those bins, I buy stuff I MIGHT need. yvonne

  5. I enjoyed them all but especially the Singer :)

  6. that little lantern turned out great!! I've never been to our Re-Store, but I'd love to go. I better have my husband with me or I know I'll go nuts!


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