Saturday, January 10, 2015

DIY Craft Room on a Budget

My friend, Mary Elizabeth, is in the final stages of her whole-house redo and she saved the best for last . . . her "Me" room, a combination craft room, office, and quiet space carved out of a small spare bedroom.

Mary Elizabeth's favorite color is PINK (obviously!) so she really went for it, using  Sherwin Williams "Exuberant Pink", in a satin finish for the walls and in a latex gloss for the desk top . . . with her favorite black and white zebra stripes for accents and storage pieces.

Mary Elizabeth is a Weight Watchers Leader and needs lots of storage for materials so she stretched the budget to purchase three storage carts and a number of small bins and containers.
 Bookshelves were repurposed from other rooms. It's a plus that Mary Elizabeth is a whiz with her pink power tools!
Hidden storage in the closet...still a work in progress
We hung pegboards, bulletin boards, magnet strips and curtains. Then Mary Elizabeth used zebra striped washi tape to trim the window shades, bookshelves, and bulletin board frame.

Even the desk accessories express Mary Elizabeth's love for pink . . . and bling!

The room still needs some tweaking but the "bones" are done. Mary Elizabeth is collecting simple black frames and plans to use one wall in the room for a collage of favorite family photos. And she's still sorting through boxes of office and craft supplies that had previously been stored in the attic.

The "door" craft table will give her lots of space to work and create 
Here's the budget:

2 2-drawer file cabinets from the Habitat ReStore @ $30. each = $60.00
Hollow wooden door at ReStore = $10.00
Paint  = $50.00
2 sheets Pegboard @ Home Depot = $14.00
Hardware = $10.00
Bulletin Board @ WalMart = $10.00
Assorted Storage bins and carts from Big Lots = $125.00 
4 Curtain panels at $8.00 each from Christmas Tree Shoppe= $32.00
Total = $311.00

A closet close-up
This was a pretty quick project. With two of us working, the basics were done in three days. Here's how we budgeted our time:
Day #1 -  Clean, prep, and paint walls (2 coats) 
Day # 2 - Shop for storage pieces and accessories; paint pegboard, and desk top
Day # 3 - Touch up, hang pegboards, bulletin board and curtains, load the room.
  1. photo courtesy of

Now my favorite Weight Watcher leader has plenty of space for both work . . .
and PLAY!
This post is linked to:
Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors
Show & Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Link Party Palooza at Tattertots & Jello
Amaze Me Monday at DWELLINGS


  1. I'd love to have a dedicated studio like hers! She'll be super organized now that her space is finished! The power of pink at work. :o)

  2. I want my spare room to have a work space so this is giving me some good ideas. Of course mine has to include a bed and room for my dishes!

  3. You inspired me to reorganize my art room, it's a mess.
    Great ideas Now I just have to get busy.
    Have a warm day, it's six degrees here in Spruce Head, Maine.

  4. Your friend did a great job. I'm sure she will enjoy her new space and get lots of projects done.

  5. What a fun room! It's so nice when we can have our own dedicated space.

  6. Such a great space to create! I'd love to have an area like this.
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY.

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