Thursday, January 15, 2015

10 Useful Things to Have in Your Craft Room

There was so much positive feedback on my recent post about friend Mary Elizabeth's  "Craft Room on a Budget" that I thought I'd post some photos of my craft room and share a "Top 10 List" of what I've found to be the most useful items in it. I feel lucky to be able to spend so much creative time in this space, which we completed last year when we moved to our retirement home on Applegate Lane.
Welcome to my craft room!

My "craft table" is a hollow core door which I painted and placed  over two two-drawer file cabinets, providing lots of work space and storage. I started with the table against a wall and soon learned that in order to function well for cutting fabric and other large projects, it needed to be positioned so that I could walk all the way around it. I tacked 98 cent yard sticks from Lowe's along the edges of the table for taking quick measurements.

I hesitated showing you my craft shelves because they're definitely not staged, but, here they are! As you can see,  I use every inch of them for storage and display. I like that I can just swivel around in my desk chair and reach almost everything I need.
"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
~William Morris
My craft room is full of useful things!

 I like keeping my own  tool box (or two!) in the space in order to eliminate the distraction of trips back and forth to the garage during a project.

A simple roll of paper towels comes in handy in the craft room, too. I use them for everything from sopping up paint spills to Windexing glass to cleaning my hands. DH mounted a big roll of craft paper in the room for me too. It's perfect for covering the table before messy projects, cutting into patterns and stencils, or even using as gift wrap,

On each trip to Boston, I seem to bring back another load of these simple storage boxes from IKEA. I use them all over the house but they are especially useful in the craft room.

My friends kid me about my crazy love affair with attachment to my label maker but it really makes finding supplies quick and easy in a room that is used for many different kinds of projects . . .

Like sewing, felting, bookbinding . . .

and collage.

For additional storage, I love jars of all shapes and sizes, both old and new.  Goodwill and garage sales are great sources for these. This one stores baker's twine and raffia.

A pegboard, painted to match the wall, works well to hold a clock, ribbons, large embroidery hoops, quilting rulers, scrapbooking scissors . . . and a silly photo of my sister!

DH built the perfect storage unit for (some of) my rubber stamps . . .

And two bulletin boards provide space for color samples, display, notes-to-self, motivation and memories.

Here's my Top 10 List of "Handy Items to Have In a Craft Space":

1. A big open work table, accessible from at least three sides.
2. Lots of storage (under tables, on the wall, on shelves, in closets, from the ceiling?)
3. Jars, boxes and baskets of all sizes and shapes
4. A tool box containing basic supplies for measuring, cutting, gluing and nailing
5. A big clock that's easy to see from everywhere in the room
6. Proximity to a computer and printer if possible (my office adjoins my craft space)
7. Bulletin board & pegboard space
8. A "wheely" chair  (or two?)
9. Paper towels for messy work
10. And, yes . . .a label maker (although the glue gun comes in at a close second!)

Tomorrow I'll post photos of some of the 10 most inspirational and, to paraphrase William Morris, "beautiful" items I enjoy having in my craft room.
Hope you'll stop back!
This post is being shared on the following blogs:
Show & Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
             Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Frugalicious Friday at Fabulous by Design
                                     Creative Girls Blog Hop at The Blog Creative
                                     Flaunt It Friday at Chic On a Shoestring
                                     Link Party Palooza at Tattertots & Jello
                                       Amaze Me Monday at DWELLINGS


  1. Wow! It's adorable, and I love the use of color on your ingenious table. xoox

  2. Is it real, Cheryl? It seems like a dream space to me! I have just a tiny cabinet and a kitchen table that I have to clean off whenever anyone wants to eat (the nerve!)...your space is just fabulous!

  3. Love your shelves! I have a mismash of cheap bookcases I've cobbled together to hold my things. I'm working on getting things more organized. I have a bed in my room but still need a table to work on! This is a great idea!

  4. Everything looks so beautiful! How can you make some string look so pretty?!

  5. Wow! You lucky girl--that's a wonderful space to work and create in. Love the open shelves holding all your goodies. Mine seem to be hidden in boxes in the closet or downstairs in the garage. Oh wait--that's because our son has temporarily moved back home into my real craft room, lol! He's worth the trade though--and it IS only temporary.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Love it! You have that same rusty old salvage love as I do. It just makes me happy, and seems to do the same with you. Wish we were closer and could craft together! My daughter wants to travel to Maine sometime, it looks beautiful. I just Subscribed via email.

    Shannon from

  8. Oh my, I think your craft room is wonderful! I really like the use of the IKEA boxes (I use those, too) & all the jars.


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