Friday, August 15, 2014

USF or Bust

After a busy week of planning and packing, we're off for Tampa very early tomorrow morning to bring our grandson Brian to the University of South Florida to begin his college career.
We're so excited for him!

Brian in front of USF Marshall Student Center

It's hard to believe how quickly time passes . . . where did this little guy go???
Christmas 2007


Leaving home for the first time is always bittersweet.
Brian has said a lot of Good-byes to family and friends this week.
Brian, DH aka "Grampy" & his Great-Grandmother Lawson
I stopped at Kristen's house yesterday morning to give her a hug before our trip and, total coincidence, there was her housemate and good friend, Ryan, in a University of South Florida Bulls shirt!

To add to the excitement, Brian got his driver's license on Tuesday . . . finally!
(5th time's the charm, right, Brian?)

Today Brian is doing last-minute college paperwork...

While DH packs the Casita...

And the 4-Runner . . . for the long drive to Tampa.
He actually managed to fit everything for Brian's dorm room into the back . . . sort of.

I still remember my first day at college (a long time ago...class of '69) and hope Brian has as many exciting opportunities as a college freshman as I was lucky enough to have.
Go USF Bulls!


  1. Oh wow! Great Post. We pretty much raised one of our grandsons. He lives with us and is 19 and every single day I look at him and wonder where the heck that 3 year old went. Then he says something cute and I see he's still here ~lol~ Good luck with the trip and leaving him behind!
    xx, Carol

  2. I think it's wonderful that you are helping out your grandson and driving him to Florida for University. I'm sure he'll do very well and will enjoy his year there. Your car sure is packed full! Wishing you safe travels.

  3. He won't be seeing much snow down there! Hope he has a great first year.

  4. Hope you have a safe trip! Congrats to Brian!!!

  5. They do grow up fast. Have a fun trip and Good Luck to Brian.
    Myself, I couldn't wait to get back to Midcoast Maine.


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