Friday, August 29, 2014

There's No Place Like Home

After a long drive to Florida and back, it is SO good to be home...

We left on August 16th and drove to Tampa to bring our grandson, Brian, to college for his first year at the University of South Florida.

We made it from Maine to Tampa in three days, driving all day and sleeping in our little Casita at night.

Our goal on day #2 of driving was to make it to Charleston for our favorite BBQ boiled shrimp

 at Red's Ice House in Mt. Pleasant, SC . . . with a much-anticipated side of Margarita's!

Finally, we arrived at USF in time for two days of Orientation . . . 

And Brian's "big move" into the dorm.
We were amazed at how smoothly everything went . . . the level of organization and the warmth of the welcome at such a large school were impressive!
Brian is in this Class of 2018 photo . . . somewhere!
And how many college campuses offer a private beach outside your dorm???
Brian & "Nanny" at USF
We left Florida on Monday for the long drive home, stopping overnight in Savannah, GA, Richmond, VA, and at a little campground in the mountains on the PA/NY border.

After two weeks of air-conditioning and daytime temperatures in the mid 90's, it was great to be back in Maine where we could throw open the windows and smell the sea breeze.

But this morning, after four days of sitting in the car and eating junk food on the road, it was back to Body by John for my work-out with Ben . . .

And then some much-needed quiet-time in the craft room.

Where I can't wait to get started on my next project, which involves lots and lots of . . .


 I'll post a tutorial soon...
I've got some sewing to do first!



  1. I am really intrigued about all of those zippers.

  2. Always great to get home!
    There's no where like red heels
    There's no where like red heels😊

  3. Glad you are enjoying the trips. That drive was one of my favorites, (Charleston)

  4. Always good to get home! Gosh those kids do grow up so fast! What a fun way to go off to college. Zippers? Ok I'm intrigued!

  5. I'm glad you had a great trip to Florida and got your grandson all settled in. It's so difficult eating while on the road. All that fat and greasy food sure makes one feely like a lump eh? lol I am curious as to what you are making with all the zipper. Have fun. Pam


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