Saturday, August 9, 2014

Think Camping's Not For You?

People often ask why we go to all the trouble of camping . . . setting up, bugs, rain, dirt, taking down . . . when "at our age" we could just stay in a nice quiet motel.
Good question.

I love falling asleep to the sounds of the ocean and the little tidal stream leading to it.

 I love waking up to amazing views . . . like these - of Penobscot Bay and a bridge through the woods -  both from our campsite at Searsport Shores.

I love "camp breakfasts" . . . especially since DH likes to get up early and cook them.
I love the almost spiritual connection I feel with art and nature at camp. Around every turn at Searsport Shores, for example,  there awaits an unexpected little these little "campfire teepees" that everyone is encouraged to add to.

Or these chairs under an arbor of squash . . . just waiting for me to stop and sit in for awhile.

In the garden, there are heirloom beans...


And even dresses  . . .

hanging in the trees.

We spend hours combing the beach for sand dollars...

Sea Glass...

and heart-shaped rocks.

Camp is a place where friends, both old and new, still sit on porches...

Take walks in the woods (daytime clothing optional!) . . .
Carolyn & Michele

And share Fried Pickles at the local Pub.
Anita & Fred

Searsport Shores is a very special campground because of its emphasis on the arts; each September they sponsor an amazing get-together or artists called Fiber College. Each week during the year leading up to Fiber College, an Artist-in-Residence is on site teaching a new craft.

This week's artist-in-residence is Steve Schreurs from Maryland, who creates jewelry, armor, and upscale clothing from chainmail . . . thousands of little metal rings linked together in a pattern to form a mesh. Here is some of his work.

He has even created a chain mail t-shirt!

And, with a red hat on, Steve does bear a striking resemblance to someone else we all know.

DH even got to try his hand at spinning (not the kind in the gym...he's got that one down...the other kind!)
Camping for us isn't always a case of roughing it...we're too old for that! When it rains, we climb into our cozy little Casita and binge-watch Netflix . . .
Or read, play a game, and blog at our teeny-tiny dinette.

And there's always shopping!
 Cayote Moon...a favorite stop

Belfast Farmer's Market
Life is a grand adventure . . .

And we don't want to miss a minute of it!
On the road again,

p.s. This post is dedicated to all of our amazing friends at Searsport know who you are!


  1. I must admit that camping is not for me, except I did go once in a motor home and that was pretty cool. You have found the perfect place and a great community of campers. Glad you found a get-a-way.

  2. Oh my goodness, what a simply amazing and wonderful place!

  3. When our children were small, we camped at least once a month. We no longer have the equipment or the vehicle for camping, but I do miss it.

    It looks like you are having a wonderful time camping.

  4. What do you binge watch? We're looking for a new vice...

  5. I've never been camping, but I wouldn't mind trying it with a big RV. Mine would have to have a bathroom with a nice size shower and a good working A/C. (I'd need room for a dog and 11 cats too.) I think it's much too hot and humid here. This is the time of year we stay inside as much as possible. Around the time you go inside for the winter we come out.

  6. Cheryl, I have never been in a Camper except once in Columbus Ohio, it was a huge one
    with a crowd of Jack Nicklaus friends. we were going to a football game.
    This looks like fun, maybe I'd go if I woke up to breakfast on the beach.
    Been to Belfast, love it and Searsport.
    You should try Port Clyde next.
    Never knew about that camp.


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