Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sewing DIY Play Eggs for Easter

With Easter around the corner, I thought I'd share a quick and easy sewing project I completed for our 3 year old granddaughter, Anna.
Anna has a "play kitchen " that she loves so I decided to use up cotton fabric I had on hand to make "play eggs" for it.

I simply free-handed a fried egg shape (and a yolk shape too!) on a piece of cardboard to make a pattern, cut out the fabric eggs, and sewed them together. I hoped that Anna would be surprised to find that one of her eggs had a double yolk!
A quick trip to Target for plastic "egg shells" and the project was complete. I just folded up the fabric eggs, pushed them into the plastic eggs shells, and lined them up in a plastic egg carton I happened to find at TJ Maxx. A regular cardboard egg crate from the grocery store would have worked just as well.

I really liked this project. Not only was it fun to plan and do, but it resulted in an Easter gift that won't be packed away with the chicks and bunnies...these eggs can be "fried" in Anna's play kitchen all year round.

I'm excited that the chair that my sister, Joanne, and I reupholstered was chosen by Rea and Kayla at The DIY'ers Link Party as one of the "favorite 3" DIY projects at their last blog party. Having our "DIY $1200.00 chair" featured on two other blogs (Home for 4 Sweet Home and Home Coming) and Pinterest almost makes up for all the glue gun burns still healing from that project!


If you missed the now-a-little-famous "chair post", you can find it here. 
Have fun frying up your own fabric eggs!
This post is linked to:
DIY'ers  Party at Home for 4 Sweet Home
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Through Life
Wow Me Wednesday at Ginger Snap Crafts
Wildly Original Wednesday at I Gotta Create


  1. I love the eggs idea! So cute. And it will last a long time. I'm glad your chair got some recognition. Sorry your burns are still healing.

  2. What a cute idea! Tiger was into 'cooking' for a long time but now is so in love with his trains!

  3. Those eggs are a riot. Love that idea, so cute.

  4. Hi Cheryl,
    What a darling idea, bet your grandy is gonna love it.........
    Would have never thought of sewing eggs, but what a great idea and
    she can cook eggs till the cows come home! lol
    It is a great Easter gift too, since she can use it year round
    smart cookie!!

    Have a very Happy Easter hon,

  5. who would have thought of a double yoke?
    Easter is such a fun Day. yvonne


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