Friday, April 4, 2014

Kristen's First Visit to the Nail Salon

Yesterday was a special mother-daughter day for Kristen and I.  It was her first trip to a nail salon for a pedicure and manicure.

 I wasn't at all sure how she would do with this new experience so I sat next to her and had my toes done too so she could see that it "doesn't hurt".

 The manicurist did a great job of making accommodations...

And Kristen did a great job of trying something new.

Kristen is a woman who knows what colors she likes and didn't hesitate to choose...
Purple for her toes.

And blue for her fingers!

We finished off our "girls' day out" with one of Kristen's favorite things...
Coffee at Dunkin' Donuts.
What could be better?


  1. I think Kristen has great taste in polish colors, especially that gorgeous blue.

  2. What a fun new experience! She looks like she enjoyed the process and I too love her colors!!

  3. That is wonderful for Kristen to have this fun experience. I love her colour choices too.

  4. Cheryl, those are memories she will never forget. I can remember so many fun days with my Mom.

  5. Hi Cheryl,
    Well, looks like you daughter liked her new experience very much, and came away quite colorful........
    My daughter took me for my first pedicure for my birthday about 10 years ago, and I was quite impressed, and
    said this will need to be at least a yearly happening, and so mostly it makes for a great Mother/
    daughter day too. I had to go looking for your blog because even tho I joined as a follower it is not coming up
    on my blog roll. Don't really understand why.............

    Well, you have a good rest of the week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  6. Firstly I would like to congratulate you that you dared to write on this serious and significant topic. Secondly, your writing has an ease that clearly express how good a writer you are.


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