Monday, April 28, 2014

On Eagle's Wings

I have been away from the blog for a couple of weeks as our family mourns the death of my Mom. Alice. She passed away peacefully in her sleep on the evening of on April 16th, surrounded by her family and her favorite Spring flowers. Mom was 92. Aside from my sisters and I, she leaves two sisters, six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren who will miss her very much.

 I wrote about how strong my Mom was as she battled the effects of two strokes in my 2/23/14 post entitled Amazing Women #2: My Mom. She remained strong, and an inspiration to use all, right through her last days, which were spent comfortably in hospice care.
A granddaughter's hands...
At Mom's service, we asked the soloist to sing Amazing Grace and Let There Be Peace On Earth, as well as one of her favorite hymns, On Eagle's Wings:
And He will raise you up on eagles' wings
Bear you on the breath of dawn
Make you to shine like the sun
And hold you in the palm of His hand.
As we grieve, what more could we wish for our Mom than that?


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. I know you were hoping to bring her home to her newly redecorated place. It was a labor of love, but she has a new home now.

  2. Cheryl, your Mom has been taken On Eagle's Wings to a place where there is no pain or sadness, but I know you will miss her greatly. Your family is in my prayers.

  3. Cheryl, I'm sorry to hear of your mom's passing. No matter how old we are, it's such a difficult loss. You now have another special angel watching over you. Blessings to you and your family.

  4. My dear Cheryl, I am so sorry to hear this news about the passing your Mother. It's never easy and yet you have the comfort of knowing she is at peace and with God. Sending you and your family hugs and prayers for your comfort.


  5. Dear Cheryl, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear mother. May God bless you with his comfort and peace in the days ahead. It's such a difficult time and I'm sure you must be exhausted. Take care. Hugs. Pam

  6. Hi Cheryl
    Peace to you in knowing that your mother is with The Lord. Let your loving memories bring you peace and joy knowing that your mother is looking over you and your family.
    xx, Carol


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