Monday, February 18, 2019

Weekend at IKEA: Day 1

My friend, Mary Elizabeth (aka M.E.), just moved into her new apartment in a renovated old school house in our town.  M.E. had never been to an IKEA and I had been promising to take her to shop for everything on her "new apartment punch list".  We called our upcoming weekend trip, "Thelma & Louise take IKEA"!

We live in Southern Maine so the closest IKEA to us is just south of Boston in Stoughton, Mass., about a two hour drive. We left early Saturday morning and got to IKEA before it opened at 10:00, snagging a primo parking space in the underground lot.

I tried to warn M.E. about the sheer size of the place and the amount of walking involved. I even shared my two personal IKEA rules: 1. Wear comfy shoes,  and 2. Carry as little as possible (I use a tiny backpack/purse/pouch thing and leave my heavy coat in the car.)

M.E. was a little overwhelmed at first but she soon got the hang of it:  Grab a big yellow shopping bag, take the paper tape measure, catalog, pad and little IKEA pencil you'll need along the way.  And then, up the escalator to home dec./DIY dreamland you go!

If you're new at this, I should explain the basics. Most IKEAs have two gigantic floors. You begin on the 2nd. The 2nd floor is mostly "showroom". I love to get ideas on this floor and take pictures of things I'd like to either purchase, or copy. You follow a maze-like path through acres of styled room settings, furnishings and accessories, brightly and cleverly displayed to show how you can live comfortably in the most tiny of spaces.

For example, this "apartment" has everything a single person would need in only 237 square feet!

The bed also serves as a couch during the day. Across from it is the media center.

Across from the green closet unit is the kitchen table, which also doubles as an office/sewing table.

There is also a small but well equipped kitchen and 3-piece bathroom . It is completely furnished with things you can purchase at IKEA; some of the storage and small-space ideas shown are ingenious.

Here's another beautiful "small space" IKEA living room. 
 I could be quite cozy here! - and there's seating for five!

One of the things my friend M.E. was looking for was flexible bathroom storage. She ended up choosing a nine cube Kallax Unit for $79.00. These are incredibly versatile and the choices for "cubes" are almost endless. M. E. chose six white ones (only $3.99 each!). She plans to leave the top three spaces open for towels. Here are some other creative ideas using the Kallax units:  75 Cool IKEA Shelf Hacks for Every Space.

Here's an IKEA "hack" I love: A Kallax unit  turned on its side and used as a bench:

Mary Elizabeth also wanted to buy two of these amazing little three-shelf  Raskog rolling carts:  a white one for next to her desk and a black one to use as a "Bar Cart" in the kitchen.  You can read more about these carts on Bob Vila's list of 10 IKEA Products Most Loved by Designers.

For only $29.99, these colorful little carts (blue and beige are available too) have hundreds of uses.

We saw lots of other things we liked but didn't need, like:

This beautiful fiber-and-branch wall art.
(I plan to put this on my DIY list; I certainly have enough fabric in my stash!)

This little Bekvam stool: Handy, easy to move around, simple, and could serve dual duty as an end table. We both loved this little guy!

This cheerful yellow Stolpa Clock - we just wanted one!

You get the idea . . . it's a pretty tempting place to spend a Saturday! And in case you want to see just a little more, here's a link to a list of the 13 Most Popular IKEA Products. I noticed that our rolling cart and Kallax shelves made the list!

We really enjoyed our lunch in the IKEA restaurant - Swedish food, of course. M.E. ordered grilled Salmon  (her favorite) with lemon sauce, a potato cake and vegetables ($6.99!) and I had the Swedish Meatballs with mashed potatoes and veggies (only $5.99) . The restaurant is on the second floor and we just made it there before thirst and exhaustion won out. As I said, IKEA is a LONG walk, unspoiled!

After lunch we shopped a little more but were too tired to do justice to the Marketplace - the HUGE first floor. You go down another escalator, pick up a shopping cart, and this time, everything on display is ready to buy - accessories, organization, kitchen stuff, wall art, plants, candles, linens -  everything but the heavy furniture upstairs We decided to leave that for Day 2, when we were rested.

IKEA kids' beds
That proved to be a good plan because after an early dinner (and a Margarita!) at Texas Road House, we were both sound asleep in our motel room by 8:00 p.m. I'm so glad we didn't try to do all of IKEA in one day. Guess we're not 25 anymore:  On Day 1, IKEA took us!

Tomorrow:  The First Floor!

This post is linked to:
Inspire Me Tuesday #489 at A Stroll Through Life
Amaze Me Monday #302 at Dwellings
Homestyle Gathering #6 at My Wee Abode
To Grandma's House We Go #127 at Chas' Crazy Creations
Talk of the Town #162 at Knick of Time
Vintage Charm Party #170 at My Thrift Store Addiction


  1. My first IKEA trip was overwhelming but I loved. I haven't been in a long while but it is such a tempting trip to think about.

    1. Hi Linda,
      Sorry I missed you Comment earlier. Hope you get back to IKEA soon...always fun. Inspires me to go home and totally rearrange my house! ~Cheryl

  2. As I live in central Maine, I've never been to an IKEA; I am living vicariously through your trip; thank you so much!

    1. Hi Kathy, I love central Maine, especially the central coast. We like to camp in the Searsport/Belfast area; our son went to Colby and we used to own a little camp in Unity. Now we're in southern Maine (Falmouth). From Portland, it took us 2 hrs. and 15 mins. to IKEA so we decided to make a weekend out of it and stay overnight. That proved to be a good plan as we never would have made it through the whole place in one day. I hope you get there someday - maybe a "road trip" with a girlfriend? Have a great weekend! Cheryl

  3. Great post, Cheryl. It was fun reading about your trip and finds. Love that you included a floor plan of a tiny home. I'm blessed to have my local IKEA exactly 5 mins down the freeway from me. Yeah... but no Kirkland's for 1.5 hours! LOL! ;-) Thanks for sharing at Homestyle Gathering, and for linking us on your post! Hugs!

  4. Hi Julie, You are so lucky to have an IKEA so close - all those napkins and Ginger cookies nearby! I've never been to a Kirkland's; there isn't one here in Maine. Are they similar to IKEA? I keep sending links to posts from your blog to my BFF Mary Elizabeth who has just moved to her own "wee abode". She's finally getting settled - we're putting together her IKEA KALLAX bathroom shelf this afternoon. Have a great weekend! Cheryl

  5. These are all great tips! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  6. You are so welcome. Thank you for hosting! ~Cheryl


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