Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Valentine Morning in Maine

After yesterday's snowfall, it was a beautiful winter Valentine's Day morning here in Maine. 
 I love coming up with little unexpected holiday surprises for people I love;
today was delivery day!

 So I left 22 Applegate Lane early with my little red mini-Cooper full of  Valentine treats.
My first stop was Dunkin' Donuts to wish "the regulars" a Happy Valentine's Day and bring a jar of candy to my  coffee-friend, Sue.

Then I headed to my daughter's group home. She and her housemates celebrate every holiday with gusto and were excited with their Valentine goodies. (Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are the annual favorite!)

Next, I stopped at Plummer School to bring a rusty Valentine lock to my friend, Mary Elizabeth (she loves rust!) and then two more bags of candy to "the sisters", Margaret and Jo.

My route took me from my house (the red dot below), past our local landmark, The Town Landing Market (on the corner where the red line turns right), down to the ocean.

I decided to stop in to the Town Landing Market to warm up.

No "Native Ice Cubes" needed today!

But fresh Hazelnut coffee hit the spot!

It was a little early for a  lobster roll, as tempting as that was!

Since it was a little too cold to enjoy my coffee outside . . .

I headed down the hill   . . .

to the Town Landing, our municipal marina and beach area.

What a beautiful morning at the beach!

The little "hump" you can see in the distance is a small island (one of 360  "Calendar Islands" in Casco Bay) called Fort Gorges.  

It seems that Portland's famous "Valentine Bandit" made it out to the island before dawn to decorate the old fort for Valentine's Day.

Image result for Valentine Bandit 2019 Fort Gorges

Back at the Landing, things were quiet, waiting for Spring.

It was low tide

and the snow was taking turns  on the beach with the ocean water.

I feel so lucky to live within walking distance of Casco Bay and the Landing. 
I'm not sure I could survive without being able to smell the sea.

But, after a very cold morning, it was good to get home. 
My plan for the afternoon was to make some tea, read in "my chair" and work on my blog - 
with the fireplace going, of course!

Happy Valentine's Day from Maine!


  1. That sounds like the best Valentine's Day ever!

    1. Hi Gina, It was a perfect day. I love delivering little Valentine gifts (this year mason jars full of candy and decorated with doilies and ribbon), especially on such a beautiful winter's morning! Thanks for taking the time to leave a Comment. As you know as fellow blogger, they really are appreciated. Have a great weekend! Cheryl

  2. Is it ever too early for lobster rolls? I guess so. Thanks for taking us along on your sweet trip!

    1. Not really, Kick! And the market also has fresh lobster daily, still swimming or cooked to take home. Lobster is good every time of year! Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend! Cheryl

  3. Hello....loved the little tour of your area since I live on the edge of the
    Pacific ocean across the country from you. Happy Valentine's Day just a little late.

    1. Hi Phyllis, I have visited the west coast and think it is beautiful We get the sunrise and you get gorgeous sunsets! I'd love to see photos of your area/home town! Thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment. Best, Cheryl


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