Thursday, February 21, 2019

Spring at IKEA: Cups, Bowls, and Bunnies

It may be February here in Maine but it felt like Spring this weekend at IKEA.
I loved all the pastel colors that were on display.

In the Marketplace, these FARGRIK mugs caught my eye immediately. Not only were they stackable and only $.99 each, there was one that exactly matches the "Oasis" color of the Keurig in my little home coffee station.

Although I really don't need more mugs, I bought three, just for the color. Since I'm "downsized" that means that three of my older mugs will have to find a new home at Goodwill. Thanks to Marie Kondo, there will be no more overflowing cupboards for me!

I also love this FARGRIK color featured by a fellow blogger, Johnna's Kitchen. If you're "into" IKEA, she features her favorite bargains from IKEA in this post.

Here are a few more of the FARGRIK colors.

I also bought a boxed set of four FRAMKALLA mugs for $5.99. I loved the size of these and their colorful graphic designs.

I had purchased a Panera gift card for the upcoming birthday of a coffee-loving friend and wanted a little something to wrap with it. This little set will be perfect!

Since I seemed to have a theme going on this trip, I had to stop in the IKEA Children's section to fill in my collection of Kalas bowls. I love these bowls for visiting grandchildren, and for Jell-O! At six for $2.49, they're always a good buy.
The Kalas line also includes plates, cups and utensils. All are durable, inexpensive and dishwasher-safe. Even the adults in our house use the plates for snacks.

While we were in the IKEA kids' area, I couldn't resist picking up one of these adorable IKEA  VANDRING bunnies (or is it a hare?) for a special someone's Easter basket. At only $7.99, he's just too perfect - soft, cuddly and very cute!

Here he is getting ready for bed!

Photo courtesy of Reddit
With a face like this, what's not to love?

(I just looked to the right as I proofread this and realized that I have the same expression on my face in "My First Selfie" on the Sidebar as this IKEA hare! Scary!)

Hurry up, Spring . . . I'm getting impatient!

This post is linked to:
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Flaunt It Friday #436 at Chic On a Shoestring


  1. Looks like fun shopping! I have never been to Ikea! The closest one to me is Atlanta...I am sure I would find way too many temptations! Cute coffee gift idea!

    1. Hi Jenna,
      IKEA really is a lot of fun but exhausting so, if you go, allow a lot of time. Two days was perfect for us. Not sure where you live but Georgia is such a pretty state. We visited a friend in Rome, GA last March and plan to go back again this year, spending time in out camper in SC and FL as well. Hopefully, when we get back it will be Spring here in Maine! The attraction of IKEA is that it is full of PB & C&B style at WalMart prices . . . and so much of it! Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. ~Cheryl

  2. I love all the Spring colors. I have a few little bowls that I use for the Grands snacks, but would buy that set in a minute. Like I said maybe a trip to Ikea is sometime in my future.

  3. Hi Linda! So glad to hear from you. I hope a trip to IKEA is in your future. Not only the bowls, cups and plates but your grands would love the stuffed animals - I had trouble narrowing down which ones to choose - all are very soft, very cute and very reasonably priced! Have a great weekend! Your blog friend, Cheryl


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