Monday, March 26, 2018

A Tisket, A Tasket . . . and a Few Silly Eggs

This weekend we arrived back in Maine after our first month-long camping trip in the Casita. We visited friends in Florida and Georgia and explored the mountains and beaches of South Carolina, Tennessee and North Carolina. Such beautiful country. I came home dreaming of Spring!

Which may explain why yesterday, instead of unpacking and doing the laundry,  I spent the afternoon making Easter baskets . . .

Fifteen of them!

I love to make little baskets for everyone who will be at Easter dinner, which we have every year on a boat!

It's actually a restaurant which literally floats on Casco Bay. There will be 15 of us this Sunday. That's a lot of baskets! I finally came up with the idea of using square berry baskets as the base. Amazon has them in all colors and they are sturdy and inexpensive.

Amazon also has these chicks. They remind me of my childhood.

I started buying basket goodies as I saw them on our trip. These gummy eggs from Cracker Barrel "cracked me up".  They're actually lemon flavored; not bad!

And here are the finished products: 12 berry baskets, two blue buckets (the grandsons'), and my daughter's treasured "Hello Kitty" basket. Aside from the "Fried Eggs:, they each have the required Cadbury Egg, jelly beans, and a special treat or two (Do fake false teeth count as a treat? How about the rubber chicken that lays an egg when you squeeze its belly?)

As if it hasn't been busy enough, today was my turn to host our little craft group at my house. Needing to keep it simple, and inspired by this magazine cover, I decided we'd decorate eggs.

Actually, my friends decorated eggs; I was numb still from making all those Easter Baskets. 
So I "supervised" and kept everyone's wine glass full. We're much more creative with wine!

We used wooden eggs, also from Amazon,

and decorated them with paint, decoupage, beads, Sharpies, buttons, rick rack, googly eyes and whatever else I had on hand in the craft room.  These were created by my BFF, Mary Elizabeth.
I think they might be self-portraits.  If so, Miss Mary Elizabeth is clearly the "hot" pink one with the weird eyes.

And, fifteen baskets later, I'm the exhausted yellow one with the purple hair!

How many baskets are you making this year?
What do you use for baskets and treats?
Are you almost ready for Easter?

This post is linked to: 
 Amaze me Monday #258 at Dwellings
Craftastic Monday Link Party at Sew Can Do
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On the Porch
Spring & Easter Blogger Party at Itsy Bits & Pieces


  1. Somehow I missed this post but came back to catch up! Oh I love all the little baskets. I always do some for the Grands but I should do one for the grown kids also. Cute eggs and yes wine makes me much more creative also!

  2. And somehow I missed your comment, Linda! Yes, the wine makes decorating all those eggs go a lot faster . . . especially when shared with "the Girls"!

  3. What darling baskets! Thank you so very much for linking to the Spring and Easter Joys party. Have a very Happy Easter!

  4. Hi Laura,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoy following yours and visiting so many of the other bloggers who have posted on your Spring and Easter Blogger Party. So many great ideas; so little time! Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter!


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