Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Coastal Decorating

I love beach combing.  Summers on the rocky beaches of mid-coast Maine are spent looking for sea glass. And this month, thanks to a camping trip to Florida and South Carolina, I got to comb unfamiliar beaches for shells we don't find in Maine.

As we explored local flea markets and antique barns throughout the South, I kept my eyes open for items in which to display some of the shells we'd collected. I came up with an olive basket, two rusty handled baskets, and a dough bowl I had on hand. 

Even after giving some of the shells away to friends, there was still quite a pile left to arrange.

I started with the tin olive basket.
My first arrangement looked as if I had just dumped the shells in.
Clearly I needed a better plan.

On my second try, I decided to take up some space in the bottom so that the arrangement would take on a rounded shape and favorite shells would't get "lost" in the bottom. Cardboard bowls worked!

 The finished arrangement is big enough to make a statement . . .

And works well on the coffee table in our conversation area.

 The dough bowl was a little easier to arrange.

As was this rusty basket for the kitchen island.
I think I'm on a roll!

I had one metal basket left over.

And decided to fill it with my accidental collection of wooden shoe forms.
Don't laugh . . . I collect old door knobs too!

As always, one project led to another.

So I decided to rearrange this display in my kitchen to hold the two pieces of  M.A. Hadley pottery DH spotted at an antique shop in North Carolina. I love how they look on my shelf.

They're hand painted and whimsical . . . outside and in!

The two Shawnee miniatures I purchased on our trip are still sitting on the top of my display cabinet.

I'll rearrange that tomorrow.

After I walk the beach?

This post is linked to:
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On the Porch
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Thursday TFT Party at Katharine's Corner
Flaunt It Friday 396 at Chic On a Shoestring


  1. I love the shells in the olive basket! I have a very small aquarium on top of a bookcase filled with shells I've collected over the years along with little funny 'ocean' items like a mermaid. Its a favorite collection of mine. Your miniature collection is stunning!! Enjoy the beach!

    1. Thanks, Linda. I love mermaids too! Happy Easter and Happy Spring to you and your family! ~Cheryl

  2. Love all your shell decor!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by !! Happy Easter!!

    1. Hi Debbie,
      I've been on a blog break for awhile but one of the first sites I returned to visit was yours! Your Easter kitchen is beautiful and I continue to be amazed at your collections and the time you take to display them. Thanks so much for stopping by. Happy Easter!

  3. Thank you for the comment on my blog. I had to came by and check you out. What a fun blog you have! I have added you to my list of blogs i follow.
    I smiled at all of your collections. I have been retired for almost 13 years now, and I'm really trying to cut back on my collecting, so I will live vicariously through yours.

  4. So good to hear from you, Linda. I love your blog! Happy Easter, Cheryl


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