Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"Your Call Is Important To Us..."

Have you ever spent so long on hold that you thought you would go crazy?   I have.

So I guess I can call this an official blog-rant. I spent Monday on hold.
Not part of Monday . . . all of Monday.

I was sure that if I heard this one more time, I would have to admit myself to the nearest hospital for the almost criminally insane:
"Thank you for calling Disney Travel. Your call is important to us. I’m sorry, but all of our operators are busy at the moment, but please stay on the line. Your call will be answered shortly".
[Generic muffled music]

Now that I'm back out of cell phone hell, I'm trying really hard not to blame the whole thing on this guy . . .

You see, I made an error booking "My Disney Experience" and ended up being charged for the same (major) Disney purchase not once, but three times! As soon as I realized my error, I called Disney, only to be welcomed by . . .

"Thank you for calling Disney Travel. Your call is important to us. I’m sorry, but all of our operators are busy at the moment, but please stay on the line. Your call will be answered shortly".
[Generic muffled music]

Now, to Disney's credit, they did tell me when I called that they were "experiencing greater than normal call volume".

After being on hold for 40 minutes, my call was answered. But . . . it seems that I had to call yet another Disney number to request a refund to my credit card. After 35 more minutes, here's who answered:

Cruella told me that she was not authorized to process refunds and transferred me to Disney Ticketing.  I waited on hold there for another 40 minutes and finally gave up.

But then . . . I decided I'd beat them! I'd call our credit card company, explain my mistake and tell them that I am authorizing only the first of the three charges for the same thing. (I'm so smart to think of this!)

R-i-n-g! R-i-n-g!  (Oh, Boy, I've got them now!!!)

"Thank you for calling Visa. Your call is important to us. I’m sorry, but all of our operators are busy at the moment, but please stay on the line. Your call will be answered shortly".
[Generic muffled music]

It took me another 35 minutes to reach a live person at Barclay's Bank, our Visa provider. They were experiencing "greater than normal call volume". When I finally got through . . . you guessed it . . . they referred me back to Disney ticketing!

Here's what I learned that you can get done in an afternoon on hold:

1. Pay the bills
2. Make new Facebook friends
3. Frustrate your DH
4. Read the new issue of Country Living
5. Finish Sunday's crossword puzzle
6. Fold a load of clothes
7. Really frustrate your DH
8. Organize your paperclips
9. Drink 3 glasses of wine, and . . .
10. Plan the surprise of a lifetime for your Daughter's Birthday!


Yup, it was all worth it!


  1. Not only HOLDING but then having to call other numbers and HOLDING again!! LOL...well worth it to surprise your daughter for her birthday!

  2. Oh, we were on the same wave experience was COMCAST!!

  3. I can't even imagine how is it to be on hold for the whole day. I'd really go crazy.


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