Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Creativity at 35,000 Feet!

"Necessity is the Mother of Invention."
What do you do if you need a Birthday hat in a hurry at 35,000 feet?

Make one out of pretzel bags and coffee stirrers, of course!

We were returning from our trip to Disney World with our daughter, Kristen, who had just celebrated her 40th birthday with Mickey Mouse and friends. She was still wearing her “It’s My Birthday” badge from Disney World when she boarded the plane. Flight Attendant Diane noticed, wished her a "Happy Birthday", and introduced her to the pilot. 
But the best was yet to come!

Later in the flight, Diane turned on the intercom and announced, “We have a very special passenger with us today . . . it’s her 40th birthday. Could everyone please join me in singing “Happy Birthday” to Kristen?” She had managed to make Kristen a birthday hat out of pretzel packages and coffee stirrers and placed it on her head while everyone on board sang to her. What a wonderful, and unexpected, surprise!

Diane made Kristen’s day, brought tears to our eyes, and brought smiles to the faces of 180 passengers with her thoughtfulness and sensitivity.  
 We can never thank her enough for the perfect ending to the trip of a lifetime!

Random acts of kindness mean so much, don't they?

p.s. Now that the "Big Trip" is over, I promise to get caught up on this blog.
  I've been "away" longer than usual . . . having way too much fun with Mickey and friends!


  1. That is great. I had a feeling it was Southwest. Happy belated Birthday Kristen.

  2. That is such a sweet thing to do! I'm glad Kristen (and you) had such a great trip at Disneyland celebrating her 40th birthday. Welcome back Cheryl!

  3. What a great story and I'm so glad you and your daughter had a great time at Disney World!! I love kind and thoughtful people, clearly this was someone with a big heart!

  4. No fair making me cry when I'm at work. shhhhh....

  5. Happy Birthday to Kristen (belated). Yes kindness usually costs nothing but goes oh so far to make us happy. I hope you told the airline of their employee's kindness.

  6. Such a sweet story! Happy Birthday to Kristen! Love the hat.... what creativity!!!!

  7. That's so neat. I am thinking that lady has made those hats before. My son turned 43 this month
    Blessings Always
    Pamela in WV

  8. That seems that your trip with this very beautiful and really special moment in the plane at the end was really perfect!And this hat looks very cool!


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