Saturday, October 31, 2015

Holiday Napkins "On the Cheap"

Like so many over-worked, over-stressed Martha Stewart wanna be's of you, I'm already thinking of holiday table settings . . .

So I couldn't wait to read the November issue of Real Simple  for ideas.

I loved their article about updating your holiday table with new napkins BUT . . . 

 At up to $59.00 for just four napkins, I found myself almost yelling thinking, "Are you cracked???"

Call me cheap but I wouldn't even think of paying almost $15.00 for a simple napkin to "brighten my holiday table".
So I started thinking . . .

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Creativity at 35,000 Feet!

"Necessity is the Mother of Invention."
What do you do if you need a Birthday hat in a hurry at 35,000 feet?

Make one out of pretzel bags and coffee stirrers, of course!

We were returning from our trip to Disney World with our daughter, Kristen, who had just celebrated her 40th birthday with Mickey Mouse and friends. She was still wearing her “It’s My Birthday” badge from Disney World when she boarded the plane. Flight Attendant Diane noticed, wished her a "Happy Birthday", and introduced her to the pilot. 
But the best was yet to come!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"Your Call Is Important To Us..."

Have you ever spent so long on hold that you thought you would go crazy?   I have.

So I guess I can call this an official blog-rant. I spent Monday on hold.
Not part of Monday . . . all of Monday.

I was sure that if I heard this one more time, I would have to admit myself to the nearest hospital for the almost criminally insane:
"Thank you for calling Disney Travel. Your call is important to us. I’m sorry, but all of our operators are busy at the moment, but please stay on the line. Your call will be answered shortly".
[Generic muffled music]

Now that I'm back out of cell phone hell, I'm trying really hard not to blame the whole thing on this guy . . .

You see, I made an error booking "My Disney Experience" and ended up being charged for the same (major) Disney purchase not once, but three times! As soon as I realized my error, I called Disney, only to be welcomed by . . .

Friday, October 2, 2015

An Easy DIY Headboard

My friend, Mary Elizabeth, is always coming up with new projects! This one is so simple that I couldn't wait to share it.

She was just about to donate this little folding "fireplace screen" to Goodwill when she got a another crazy brilliant idea.