Saturday, September 19, 2015

Faces of Fiber College, Part 2

There were so many amazing people at Fiber College that I couldn't include all of their faces in one post. So here's Part 2 . . .

Steve is a chainmail artist! He designs clothing and jewelry, link by painstaking little link. When he's not making suits of armor and whatever, he is "Santa" to hundreds of children and a few dozen elves. In his "real life", Steve does biochemistry or astrophysics or something incredible like that at Johns Hopkins. We recently discovered that Steve and I were undergrads at UMass Amherst at the same time, as was . . . 

Steve "Santa" Schreurs

His wife, Susan.  Susan loves to knit, sew, and play with fiber. She modeled this shawl she made at the "Wear Your Art" cocktail reception.


And then there's Larry. Larry and his wife just moved to Maine from Florida after spending many summers working at Searsport Shores, where Fiber College takes place. Larry loves to cook. He "rescured" an old (1930's?) industrial-size potato chip machine and tried it out for us on Friday night.


Larry's wife, Betsy . . .

And my crazy friend, Garrett, kept the artists and guests well-fed.

The ladies who cooked our Somali feast were amazing to watch. They cooked all the food for 50+ people in the outdoor "lobster-bake kitchen" at the campground . . . even two kinds of flat breads from scratch.

And their children/grandchildren were beautiful!

Fiber College is always a good time to catch up with friends, both old and new.

Larry & Hank
It's also a time to show off your latest wearable artistic creation! Here are a few . . .

Our hostess, Astrig

We got tattooed.



Fiber College organizer-extraordinaire, Emma
Learned about Somali culture.
 And listened to music.
Mark Aubertin
Steel Band
 All in this beautiful place.
Life is good.


  1. Yes, Life Is Good!

    What a fun time you had.

  2. Fiber College was a wonderful experience...thanks for taking the time to comment!


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