Friday, September 18, 2015

Faces of Fiber College, Part 1

I've been away from the blog enjoying camping on Penobscot Bay at beautiful Searsport Shores, the home of Fiber College of Maine. One of the best things about Fiber College is the chance to make new friends from different backgrounds and cultures. Here are some of their faces . . .

Waiting patiently while Mom & Grandma cook our Somali feast

"Fiber College of Maine is an annual fiber festival whose sole reason for being is to celebrate the fiber arts in all forms. Maine is particularly blessed with artistic energy and inspiration from the flow of the tides, the rolling hills of the blueberry fields and the stars in the night sky."
 ~Fiber College website

Phoenix making a ceramic button

At the beach bonfire, I met three very funny women who had come to Fiber College together from Massachusetts. Somehow we started talking about the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and our tendencies to hoard materials for whatever our fiber passion is. (Somehow, that seemed hilarious at the time.) After we parted, I worried that I never find my new friends again. . . we'd been talking and laughing in the dark!

Hula Hoops on the Beach

But, the next day, they found me. 
And here they are, the self-proclaimed "Three Hoarders"!
Felting friend and Falmouth neighbor Kathleen Gerdes was both teaching and taking classes . . .

Felter extraordinaire Kathleen Gerdes

While one of the Somalian ladies gave us traditional Henna tattoos.
Creating Henna tattoos

Some of us cooked in fancy aprons . . .

 Just in time for Santa to arrive for dinner.

"Santa Steve"

My next-door neighbor, Linda, who is very active in the Cobblestone Quilters Guild, joined us at Fiber College for the first time this year. . .


And was thrilled to meet one of her "quilting idols",  Mary Ellen Krantz, at the cocktail party.

Kendra and friends made themselves into a "human loom" . . .

Becoming both Warp and Weft . . . 
To create this!
I wasn't the only one taking photos!

"Wear Your Art Night" was perfect for showing off  hand-made masks.
Colorful hair, colorful quilt.
Wait, they match!
Was this planned?

 When Fiber College photographer & movie-maker Alice isn't enjoying time with her Mom . . .

Eddie & Alice

She plays a pretty mean harmonica!

Alice Seeger rocks it out!

 So many talented people.
So much to share and learn and enjoy.
What a wonderful world . . .

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