Friday, May 15, 2015

The Thrill Is Gone

Remembering BB King tonight.

We first met BB after a concert at Bowdoin College in 1993. DH was in a kick-boxing group with the daughter of his manager so we were lucky to have been given backstage passes.  Although he didn't know us, BB was so welcoming and patient as we all posed for photos after photo.

We saw him again at a concert at Great Woods in Massachusetts in 1995.
I was wearing the World Tour band jacket he gave us; DH wore the matching hat.

After the show that evening, he invited my sisters, our husbands and I onto his bus for a visit.
 It was surreal!

My sister Joanne with BB King, Great Woods 1995

My sister Nancy with BB King, Great Woods 1995 
Mr. King could not have been kinder. As tired as he must have been, he visited with us for over a half hour and even let me hold "Lucille".

Me with BB King at Great Woods, 1995

 This is my favorite photo of BB King . . .with DH at Great Woods.
That evening he shared with DH the fact that he was never able to sing and play the guitar at the same time. so he alternated in his performances. I had never noticed! 

We saw BB King in concert again last year in Portland. Although he had aged, he still took the time to sit at the edge of the stage and greet his fans after the show. His sons were trying to encourage him to leave the stage and rest but you could tell that he just wanted a few more minutes with the crowd. Sadly, we knew that night that it would probably be the last time we got see him in person.
Sisters & "Groupies"
BB King's music will last forever,  and so will our memories of a warm and humble man,
BB King, King of the Blues   1925 - 2015
Thanks for the music and the memories . . .


  1. That is awesome that you got to meet BB King so many times! He is one artist that my husband and I like a lot as we watch a lot of Eric Clapton's music DVD's with all the great guitarists, including BB. He certainly will be missed! Wonderful tribute post Cheryl.

  2. How wonderful that you got to meet him. Such a great artist and man!

  3. Golly, I loved him too. Great Photo's and memories Cheryl.
    Seems like all my STARS are gone. Maybe that's why I still
    love the old movies, happy movies. Have a great day. yvonne


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