Thursday, May 21, 2015

Downsizing in the Garden

Now that Spring is here, we realize that we're not quite done downsizing.
We almost forgot that we need to downsize outside as well.

Gone are the three acres, trails through the woods, pool, fruit trees, and potting shed. So it's Goodbye to the lawn tractor, wheel barrow, and hoses for every occasion. Goodbye to the garden benches, broken, lawn chairs, yard art, soccer balls and pool noodles.

We can keep very few "outdoor toys" now that we've moved from Winn Farm . . .
To our little red retirement home on Applegate Lane. All of the articles I read about downsizing focused on simplifying and decluttering inside the home.  But what about the outside?

This is the size of our garden area now. It's perfect for our current lifestyle but did force us to make some tough decisions about what to get rid of and what to keep.

This cement bench is one of my favorites, a keeper. Many others had to go.

This statue of a geisha moved with us as well. She offers birdseed to the chickadees and cardinals . . . if the squirrels don't get there first!

We placed her under this beautiful weeping cherry tree (sakura), a "gift" from the previous owner of our unit, who planted it years ago.

Our little red house is surrounded by mature lilac bushes. I love this white one, which is just starting to bloom.

In the woods behind our farmhouse, I had placed rocks along the path as a way to remember friends and family who were no longer with us. I just couldn't leave them behind.

So I brightened them up with fresh paint and found a little spot for them under the big yew behind the house. I like that we can sit on the garden bench and see them there.

These signs were painted on vintage shutter slats for a signpost in the woods behind the farmhouse. They moved to a new home on the fence at Applegate Lane.

I even decided to paint some new ones . . .

 Although I have no idea what I'll do with them yet. I'm sure an idea with come!

Instead of a screened porch, flagstone patio, and pool surround, we now have one small deck.


There isn't much room to display "yard art" but I managed to hang a few things . . . a "Beach" sign from LL Bean, a lobster buoy (after all, this is Maine!), and some old garden tools. Every garden needs a little rust!

Finally, I filled my little wrought iron deck planter with a  bright red geranium and my favorites, white petunias. Now they just need to grow!

The final step was the most work . . . spreading this huge truckload of bark mulch over all of the gardens surrounding the house. I'm thankful that DH has such a strong back.

After a week of downsizing, sorting, repairing, weeding, digging, planting, watering and trips to the town dump, I was ready for a break.
 A few hours on the deck with my "tab" and a good book!
Yours in Dirt Garden Soil,
I'm sharing my garden at:
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Upcycled Link Party at Funky Junk Interiors


  1. Cheryl I need to downsize my garden decorations also. I have them all piled up on my back patio but it's a huge mess. You have inspired me to get out there and make it prettier. Love the signs and the pretty rocks.

  2. We are doing the very same thing. It seems that our summers are shorter and our bodies won't allow us to do all that we used to. I promised not to plant annuals this year and the goal is to tidy up everything and eliminate items that must be put away for the winter. I like your garden.

  3. Oh, I am so looking forward to downsizing and simplifying! The painted rocks are wonderful, that gives me an idea...

  4. Your garden is really nice! I like the Geisha feeder and the painted rocks and signs. Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!


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