Friday, April 17, 2015

Packing for Mexico

Hola!  I can't believe it's finally here . . . the long-awaited "Girls' Getaway" to Cancun, Mexico.

Except for one, "the girls" are all educators in our 50's and 60's who have been getting together for years as part of our infamous "Gourmet Group".

My carry on is stuffed with plastic leis to shower on the "girls" at Logan airport, flamingo straws and cocktail napkins for our Margaritas, and plenty of books and snacks for the flight.

The trip was a great excuse to get a fun new summer purse to hold my passport, tickets, sunglasses and pesos.

I even packed a game for sun-burned nights back at the hotel. It's aptly called "Mexican Train".

We'll be living in bathing suits so I got this new one. DH treated me to the sun hat and a second pair of my favorite LL Bean Flip Flops.

The tag on the new bathing suit says that it's supposed to make me look 10 pounds lighter. I wasn't sure that it looked OK so I modeled it for DH when I got it home, explaining the 10 pounds lighter thing and asking him what he thought.

Needless to say, his comment,  "You could try wearing two" wasn't overly reassuring!

"The girls" love the beach and they all tan beautifully. Not me. I have skin that likes to turn bright red and peel, even in the Maine sun. So it's SPF 70 and Aloe for me.

Here's the finished product. Aside from clothes, my suitcase is full of snacks for the hotel room, an orange pair of LL Bean flip flops,  and a sippy cup we were all given by one of the girls . . . for drinks on the beach!


We'll be staying at the Royal Sands Resort in Cancun. It looks beautiful.!
I can't wait to share photos when we get back!




  1. How exciting! I hope you have a great trip. We have Mexican Train, too, fun game!

  2. Have a good time. It's funny, but I could drive to Mexico and I've never been. We did take a cruise to Mexico once but a hurricane had the ship turning back and heading to New Orleans instead.

  3. 10 pounds lighter?!! What a hoot! On me, no one would notice. On a waif, everyone would notice, because she'd disappear! What were "they" thinking. Silly people. 10 pounds does not matter to most people! Enjoy your trip and the company you keep!

  4. Dear Cheryl,
    Happy for you, after this wicked winter you deserve some Mariachi Music and
    warm sun. Have a fantastic time. I see you are well packed.
    Be safe and Have a Margarita for me.


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