Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Faces of Mexico

We met so many warm and wonderful people in Mexico. Here are a few.

These little girls were helping their mother at the Mercado 28 Market in Cancun. I fell in love with them!

This gentleman sat next to my friend, Jo, on the local bus and began to serenade us. First song he sang (without knowing where we were from): "Sweet Caroline", the Red Sox Anthem. Small World!

This little guy was being carried through the market by his Mom . . . in the traditional way.

Meet Victor. He and his two friends sang for us at lunch one day. Although we may have been their first "Gig" in quite a few years (we recruited them from a park bench) , they were fantastic!

This is Victor's friend, Benny. He and Victor had beautiful voices, one a tenor and one an alto. Benny dragged this huge harp right into the restaurant to play for us!

Another photo of the sweet little girl we met at the Mercado. She told me the names of all of her animals in Spanish . . . el leon, el elefante, la vaca, y el perro.

Here are the faces of two old friends . . . we started teaching together in 1979!

And the faces of our hostess Claudia and her new friend, "Senor Frog".

Our waiters everywhere were terrific! 

At the Mayan restaurant we visited, Alison got her face painted . . .

While this guy danced with a skull on his head!

Afterward, we all got to try on a Mayan headdress.
Lola went first! 

And then it was my turn . . .


Which reminded me why I never thought I looked good in hats!
It's a good thing we can still laugh at ourselves . . .

aka "Carolina", my Spanish name!

This post is linked to:
Take Me Away Link Party at Calypso In the Country


  1. As I read your post, I wondered if you were in Cancun. I went to language school in Playa del Carmen and the pictures reminded me of that incredible experience.

  2. Your photos are beautiful Cheryl. So colourful and they tell a story of life there in Mexico. It sounds like you gals had a great time.

  3. From the looks of the photo's you guy's had a ball. Love Mexican Music, and food.
    Old friends are the best friends., My Girl friend and husband just drone up from Dallas.
    We played cards till midnight and I wasn't even tired.
    Here's wishing you a wonderful Mothers Day. yvonne

  4. What fun photos that really captured the feel of Mexico! Thanks for linking up to Take Me Away this month!

  5. When you say CASITA, is it a Casita Travel Trailer? We have one also!!!

    1. Yes! We have had out Casita travel trailer since 2010 and absolutely love it! Nice to "meet" another Casita owner!


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