Saturday, January 31, 2015

Got Keys? Upcycled Wallet Card Organizer

If you've got a junk drawer in the kitchen or garage, you've probably got a bunch of these . . . old keys and rings. I found this batch in my husband's desk;  he didn't know what any of them unlock but, like most of us,  is afraid to throw them away.

And I bet we all have one of these . . . an over-stuffed wallet. Why is it that every restaurant, movie theatre and store wants us to have a plastic card to get sale prices? Add to that library cards, frequent-anything cards, membership cards, even a blood donor card, and even the roomiest wallet no longer closes without a fight.

Here's a junk drawer solution to the problem - all of your wallet cards on that one little key ring. They'll now be easy to carry, easy to find, and organized.
So grab one of those old key rings and dump out all your cards.

The only tool you'll need is a standard hole punch.
(If you absolutely can't find a long-forgotten key ring around your house, you can buy one at any hardware store. A package of four is only 97 cents at WalMart.)

I bet you can guess what comes next.
Yup, punching a hole in the corner of each card.

Just be careful to choose a corner that doesn't have either a bar code or your account number on it.
I learned this the hard way!

Slide your cards onto the ring and you're done.

I keep mine in the side pocket of my purse where I can grab it in a hurry.
 It currently has 23 cards on it . . . and counting.
I can't believe how often total strangers admire this simple idea when I use my cards. Yesterday, the librarian checking out my books called all the other librarians over to marvel at my little key ring;  I keep my library card on it. Then I stopped at the Hallmark store to get a birthday card and both clerks, as well as the customer behind me in line, wanted to see it. (Yes, I have a Hallmark Gold Crown card on it too!).  It's crazy . . .
I feel like a wallet-card rock star!
Now you can be one too.

This post is being shared at:
Upcycled Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors
The Sunday Showcase at Under the Table and Dreaming
Nifty Thrifty Sunday at Nifty Thrifty Things
Tutorial Tuesday at Hope Studios
The Inspiration Board Creative Party at HomeWork
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Through Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House


  1. Now that's a great idea! Such a smart lady you are. ;-) I keep mine in the card pockets of one purse and when I change purses I put the cards in one of those card holders which gets pretty full now. Thanks for the neat idea!

  2. I have one with just my 'key chain' size cards on it, but never thought of using my regular size cards....great idea!

  3. Most of our cards came on a sheet of plastic, perforated for easy removable. On that sheet was the large card that you show, but it also came with two small key ring cards which measure about 1" x 1.5". We use the small ones and have about 25 on a key ring. This works for the loyalty cards, and we don't have many large plastic cards, so those are kept in our wallets. (Neither one of us carries purses!) Whoever came up with these loyalty cards anyway? There are a pain but necessary in order to get better prices.

  4. That is a wonderful idea. I put mine (small ones) on my key ring but if I don't drive, I don't have them with me. I will be trying this one very, very soon. Thank you.

  5. Thank you, Thank you. What a great idea. I hate those cards, but I hate to miss a discount. I keep my cards clippped together with a binder clip. I am definitely going to put them on a ring. This is one of those "Why Didn't I Think Of That" moments! Lol
    xx, Carol

  6. Even better if you have a smart phone use one of the apps. I use keyring and love it.

  7. That is a really creative idea, Cheryl! I have mine stuffed in a little ziploc...not a great solution! ;)

  8. I carry one of these, helpful and such a great idea!

  9. Great post, Thanks so much. I was laughing as I read the post just did a drawer
    like this yesterday. I have the same keys and cards. yvonne

  10. This is a brilliant idea I'll be copying. Thanks so much for sharing it. I think you should buy some of those Walmart rings and repackage them with a cute label, name, and instructions and sell them for $9.99! At Walmart! You'll be rich!!

  11. Genius, just Genius! Thanks so much


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