Friday, January 30, 2015

A Good Day to Sew

We've barely dug out from Tuesday's blizzard and it's snowing again.
It's a good day to sew.

I did get out long enough to go to the gym early this morning. One advantage to working with a personal trainer is that you have to show up . . . no excuses!
When I got home, I stopped at the base of our driveway to take this photo.

The Valentine Wreath I Made for the front door can barely be seen over the snow bank.

It's also a good day to be retired!
Once I finally got in to the house, I couldn't wait to change into cozy flannels and wool socks.  
I've been working on a simple hand-tied quilt to snuggle into on cool nights in our Casita this summer. That and a book will make the perfect afternoon.

One of the pleasures of winter is not having to feel guilty about staying in and sewing or reading.


DH has a Weight Watcher-friendly custard pie in the oven and it smells delicious.  Warm custard, a fire in the fireplace, my sewing, and a good book - or  LL Bean catalog - are all I need today.
(I just realized that even my current library book is set in the snow!)

Nothing can compare to a summer's day in Maine, but winter has its own appeal.
It forces us to slow down and appreciate the special joys of just being home.

Stay warm out there!



  1. Our part of the California coast is warm today - I'm wearing shorts and a tee. We are just taking off on a 6 mile walk along the beach with the dog. But, I would love to be skiing this winter so we could really use some snow in our part of the world.

  2. That is one huge snowbank! I haven't been anywhere in town where there are parking lots with high banks yet but I expect they look the same. And they'll be higher by Sunday too. Sounds like a great day to sew and read and nap. Take care. Pam

  3. Sounds like a perfect day (: It's been like spring here. All of the trees start to bud, then ZAP, it will freeze again. Crazy Central Texas weather! I know a whole lot of kids who would love to be in your front yard...

  4. Pretty but burrr! Since I'm a Southern gal I'm OK with just looking at photos of snow!

  5. That snow sure is pretty! I'm sure I'd love summer in Maine. Escaping the heat and humidity would be wonderful. Here we have the endless summer and you have the endless winter. I guess perfect weather would be someplace like California, but then we'd have to worry about earthquakes. Actually, I loved living in Virginia Beach. We had four seasons, but the winter wasn't real long.

  6. Oh MY you have gotten your share this winter!


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