Thursday, October 2, 2014

Amazing Women: Helping Women with Cancer

In a recent blog post, I wrote about some remarkable women from the Searsport, Maine area who  were planning to get together to sew scarves for cancer patients in Augusta.
Well . . . they did!

The "Sewing Party" was hosted by Kendra. a woman I met at Fiber College. Thanks to Kendra and her friends, the legacy "My Sister's Scarves" will live on and benefit women with cancer in mid-coast Maine.

Kendra emailed to tell me that she wanted to help with the scarf project in honor of her sister-in-law, who has been battling cancer for six years.

So she invited over fourteen (!!!) of her closest friends . . .
and their sewing machines . . .

Put out some refreshments . . .
And got busy!

In just two hours, this industrious group completed 42 scarves!
(If you and your friends would like to make some, the pattern is here.)

Kendra reports that they had so much fun, they want to do it again.
(They're accepting donations of cotton fabrics if anyone would like to help out; you can contact me and I'll get it up to them).

In the e-mail in which she sent me these photos, Kendra told me a story I wanted to share.
 She wrote, "I wanted to tell you.  I have a daughter who was sleeping when everything started  ~~ when she came downstairs she started crying  because the scene (of all the women sewing scarves) touched her so much."

I love the clever way the ladies decided to show off their finished scarves . . .
where else on a gorgeous September day in Maine but on the clothesline behind the barn?
I think they look pretty happy to have finished . . . especially Kendra...
She's the one celebrating in the front of the group.

I just received this in the mail (literally . . . while I was typing this post) :
Isn't it amazing how women just help each other out, without being asked?

Sewing in memory of . . .

My dear friend, Diana
Breast Cancer
1941 - 2010
My sister, Nancy
Ovarian Cancer
1952 - 2010
This post is linked to:
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style
Time Travel Thursday at Brambleberry Cottage
What's It Wednesday at Ivy & Elephants
I Quilt Thursdays at Pretty Bobbins
Needle & Thread Thursday at My Quilt Inspiration
Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch
Wow Me Wednesday at Ginger Snap Crafts
Show & Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Craftastic Monday at Sew Can Do
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Cozy Little House


  1. What a wonderful post!! I love how happy they all look! Giving back is so fulfilling! Thanks for sharing this with us!


  2. Aw. this post just brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful gesture these ladies did. I know how much you loved Nancy and miss her. The scarves on the clothesline by the barn are a perfect way to show them off. Blessings to you and the ladies for doing this. Pam

  3. What a lovely article, I have shared it on my facebook page. Thank you for sharing their story.

  4. Hi, Cheryl. Wow!! What an amazing effort on the part of all those selfless women! They rock! I can't sew a lick, but if I could, this would be right up my alley. I think the energy in the room must have been palpable!!! No wonder Kendra's daughter was moved to tears! What a great story with a great outcome. I know each and every one of those women who came together on that day have a special place in heaven.

    I've never been to Maine, but the sight of that red barn and all those trees just gave me chills. Just how I would have pictured it!

    Best wishes to all on the continued effort! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Thank all you lovely ladies from the bottom of my heart. You have done something so special and it will affect numerous women. This so dear to my heart as I lost my mother to ovarian cancer and my daughter is an 11 year breast cancer survivor. You are all rock stars!..Happy Tuesday..Judy


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