Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I'm So Done With March!

Here in Maine, March came in like a lion and never went out.  
It was an unseasonably cold and dark month, but there were a few bright spots...

My bunny pillow...handmade by Claudia
Our infamous Gourmet Group, a group of friends who have celebrated dinner together every month or two for over 30 years, got together Saturday evening at BFF Claudia's house in Kennebunk. Although it was a  cold, rainy night, Claudia served a delicious spring-themed dinner of roast lamb on a gorgeous table decorated in an Easter theme.
The whole Bunny Family!
Claudia is a Home Ec. teacher who, as you might expect, sews and cooks beautifully. Not only does she teach middle school full-time, she also has her own very successful business creating gorgeous purses, totes and aprons which she sells online and at craft fairs. Each chair at Claudia's dinner table Saturday evening had a hand-painted, hand-sewn "bunny " pillow on it. What a surprise to hear that Claudia had taken the time to make one for each of us to take home!

And, for those of you who have been following along for awhile, I'm happy to share that our Mom's medical condition has stabilized. She is still in rehab. at Falmouth by the Sea and still unable to walk or swallow, but...she is comfortable, aware, and working hard to regain lost skills...which at 92 is not an easy task. She is well enough now to participate in activities at the facility, like the presentation by the Portland Museum of Art which I attended with her yesterday. She even wore a purple flower in her hair!

I love going to the events at Falmouth by the Sea with Mom. It's a beautiful facility, right on Casco Bay. In addition to skilled rehabilitation, the facility offers both long term care and assisted living. I've met some amazing residents there...with fascinating life stories...and hope to volunteer there someday when my Mom is no longer a patient. Older people have so much to teach us, if we take the time to really listen.

I couldn't help but laugh to myself yesterday at the Portland Museum of Art presentation though. The large dining room was darkened so that the docent could show slides of various paintings and, as she drew her rather lengthy presentation to a close, I realized that I was about the only person left in the room whose eyes were still open. Mom and most of her fellow art-lovers had fallen asleep!
The sun is shining on this first day of April and I am ever hopeful that Spring is finally here. This morning, DH shoveled off the back deck and went to LL Bean to buy a gas camping grill...both pretty positive signs of Spring.

But my personal favorite sign of Spring? Registration for Fiber College 2014 opened today!!! If you missed my 2013 post about Fiber College ("Summer Camp for Adults"), you can find it here

Fiber College is a chance to spend three or four days learning, creating, and making friends with other talented women in a beautiful oceanfront setting at Searsport Shores in Searsport, Maine. For more information, registration, and a list of 2014 classes, click on the Fiber College website here. 

I just registered for Fiber College 2014 this morning and am already getting excited. So far, I've signed up to take classes in Bookbinding...

and Needle Felting...

Dance Like Nobody's Watching by Kathleen Gerdes, Fiber College 2014

 I can't wait! 
 Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Through Life
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia


  1. Hi cheryl,
    This is my first time to visit and enjoyed it. What a sweet friend to make you all those adorable pillows, they are so cute........and sounds like you have been having fun and looks like that class will be neat on book binding and
    needle felting, never really heard of that, but sounds like a neat conference. Well, thanks for sharing and I am one of your newest followers.
    blessings, Nellie

  2. Those bunny pillows are so cute! What a gracious hostess gift for your dinner. I remember you going to the Fibre College last year and the fun you had. It should be really interesting again this year. I'm glad to hear that your mother is coming along a bit each week. It takes a long time to recover from a stroke sometimes. Take care and enjoy the spring weather.

  3. welcome to Maine. This March was the worst I have seen. Been here in St George from 1999.
    Love the Bunnies I paint them, love bunnies. Stop by sometime yvonne

  4. Cheryl I put you on my side bar,, Yvonne

  5. I wanna sign up for Fibre College too; and I'd pick those same classes. But I'm not retired ..... and I don't live in Maine.

    Thanks Cheryl for all the lovely comments on my blog as well. I'm now YOUR newest follower.


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