Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Road Trip: Townsend, TN

Late Monday afternoon, we arrived in Townsend, Tennessee, "the quiet side of the Smokies".

On our way in from Rt. 40 , we passed the Bush;'s Baked Bean factory (and Bean Museum!) in Dandridge, Tennessee.

Since we live right near the OTHER baked bean company, B & M, we just had to stop to check out the competition.

The Bush's beans weren't bad, but, being from New England, our loyalty will have to remain with B & M, the ones we grew up counting on n Saturday nights. The general store and cafe at the Bush complex were well worth the stop though. 

We finally arrived at our campground, which is right on the Little River (tubing headquarters) in the Smoky Mountains town of Townsend. The Internet is a bit "iffy" here because of the mountains so I may keep my "Tennessee" posts a little shorter than usual. Hopefully, the pictures will tell most of the story.

Yesterday we took a ride. It's been 14 years since we last stayed in Townsend so we wanted to get our bearings again.  We hit the brakes when we passed this old gas station.

Since DH's name is Henry Lawson, he decided to get out and introduce himself to the "other" Henry Lawson. 

Sadly, the other Henry Lawson, who owned the place for years, passed away in 2004. But the new owner was thrilled to meet DH and tell us the story. 

She even shared with "my" Henry Lawson a pgoto of "her" Henry Lawson. I guess he was a fixture in the area. That's him on the left. We only wish we could have met him!

There are antique shops around every corner here in the Smokies so I'm in my glory. We stopped at a few yesterday and will visit more tomorrow. (I'm seeing lots of gorgeous old tobacco baskets here!)

As well other favorites like  linens . . .

And vintage kitchen items. (Since I still use my original 1970 Betty Crocker Cookbook, like the one in the photo, I think I might now be considered "vintage" as well).

Everywhere you drive here is beautiful. Here are some scenes we passed on our way back to our campsite.

The Little River in Townsend is popular for tubing in the summer. We did it when we were here fourteen years ago - so much fun. You can tube downriver for miles. Just before the falls a bus picks you up and takes you back upstream for another river run. It's still a little cold for that this trip but I hope we can do it again someday!

Little white churches dot the valleys.

 I don't know why, but I love dilapidated old buildings!

                                     All of the flowering trees are in bloom here.

And roads lead to "hollows".
(Guess we know what we'll find in this hollow!)

We got back just in time for a campfire.

And a few quiet moments with our books before bed.

Tomorrow we;ll explore the Smoky Mountain National Forest and Cades Cove.
Hope you'll follow along with us!

This post is linked to:
Thursday Favorite Things at The Eclectic Red Barn
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage

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