Friday, March 8, 2019

On the Road Again & Heading South!

We've spent the day packing the Casita for what is becoming our annual March road trip to visit friends and favorite places "down South".  We're anxious to get an early start tomorrow morning.

We'll spend tomorrow night on the road so the bed in our little Casita is all made up with our new Gee's Bend Quilt.

I thought I'd wait to make new curtains for the camper to match the quilt, but . . . waiting is just not in my DNA so I sewed them up this morning. They have vintage campers on them, of course!

When we get  home from this trip, I want to slip cover the dinette cushions in blue denim. After 10 years, this little camper deserves a face lift!

I love collecting postcards from places we've loved along the way and displaying them on the soffit in the camper. South Carolina is up there front and center. I love the Low Country and am convinced I must have lived there in another life!

The Casita has a little kitchen in it with a two-burner gas stove, sink, frige, freezer, and microwave (hidden in the cabinet) so we're pretty self contained. When it's raining, or we're just not in the mood to go out to eat, we can cook right in the Casita.

We have a little bathroom too, with a small sink and shower. The older I get, the less I want to walk to a campground bathroom at two a.m. This is perfect!

Looking out at our driveway from the Casita (aka "Cassie") this afternoon, I realized that we'll soon be trading those snow banks for palm trees. Yay!

So - my bag is packed . . .

As are the toiletries . . . and we're ready to go.

Just the thought of watching the dolphins from the deck of Red's Ice House in Mt. Pleasant, SC . . .

While sipping a frosty cold Margarita with garlic shrimp, has me counting the hours 'til morning.

We'll head out at dawn, leave the snow behind, and spend a few weeks exploring. We love leaving the proverbial beaten path and discovering little towns and old buildings that time has forgotten.  Although we live in Maine, we love the culture of the South and enjoy exploring its back roads, kudzu and all.

 I'll be posting from the road so I invite you to follow along.
It's always an adventure!


  1. Love it !! Wish I was doing the same. Have a safe fun trip.

    1. Hi Rosie! Great to hear from you. Maybe you can travel with us vicariously; I plan to post from the road as we go along!

  2. Have a great trip. Love your little Casita.

  3. Thanks, Linda. We love “Cassie” too. Just the right size! Always good to hear from you. Hope you.can follow along! -Cheryl


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