Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Fat Trap

Since I last wrote about the "150 Project" back in April of last year, I really fell off the "healthy lifestyle" wagon. I just wasn't motivated. As a result, between then and now, I've gained at least 15 pounds -  and I wasn't tiny then!

 Christmas was the final straw.  I thought I went to a party looking like a foxy "Mrs. Claus" and then I saw this photo. Seeing it was a reality check, for sure.  Look at those boobs! Look at those arms! Look at that invisible waistline! I have to face it:

I'm fat.

So three weeks ago I rejoined Weight Watchers ("WW")  to work my way back to my goa weight of 150. It was a relief, actually. My eating had gotten out of control with travel and the holidays.  And, (Tada!) it worked: I lost 7.3 pounds my first week back!

I also went way out of my comfort zone and joined Planet Fitness.

Which I love because it's a "no judgement zone". 
There are people working out there of every age, shape and size.
My kind of place!

I always hated gym class in school, which is probably how I ended up fat. Running the track was my idea of hell. But as of week #3, this gym isn't so bad. I can exercise, or not, and work at my own pace. I usually do 2 miles on the treadmill at a fast walk (3.0 mph) and then some circuit training and stretches.  I'm lucky here too: DH is my personal trainer!

I've been going to the gym 3-4 times a week for the past three weeks and finally eating right - lots of chicken and fish. Tomorrow is weigh-in day at Weight Watchers. I'll let you know how I do.
Meantime, hope springs eternal!

Do you have to work hard to maintain a healthy weight or does it just come naturally for you? Have you found that the older you get, the harder it is to lose weight? Or, like some of my friends of a certain age, have you reached the point where it just doesn't matter and you've accepted yourself at whatever size you are?  I'd love to hear how others cope with "feeling fat". Is it just me?

Yours in Bumble Bee Snack Packs!

This post is linked to:
Inspire Me Tuesday # 485 at A Stroll Through Life
Amaze Me Monday #300 at Dwellings


  1. How do these darned pounds pile up?? (I kind of know...) Good luck, and keep us posted. It encourages US!

  2. Frustrating, isn't it? I'm committed and will keep at it. Lost 1.5 this week for a total of 9 # so far. It's a start! Thanks for checking in!

  3. Nope, it's not just you. We've had a series of unfortunate events that drastically reduced our activity levels. It's just amazing how fast the pounds creep up. We, too, have joined Planet Fitness in Tucson and really like it. Do well with your program, it sounds like you are really making good progress.

    1. Hi Allison, Thanks for taking the time to comment and for the note of encouragement. It's amazing how as we get older, the pounds pile up any time we're not paying attention. I do like Planet Fitness and hope you do as well. I also like that they are almost everywhere so that we can use one when we travel. I have a sister in AZ (Mesa) and we love your state. So beautiful! Hope you'll follow along as I blog my way out of the "fat Trap"! Good Luck to you as well, Cheryl


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