Monday, April 2, 2018

Mr. Rogers Would Love This!

On March 23rd, Mr. Rogers got his own "Forever" stamp.

What a perfect tribute to a man who provided such a calm, safe "neighborhood" for young children to visit for a half hour every day on PBS. His show ran from 1968 to 2001.

When my two children were little in the late 70's and early 80's, they loved watching Mr. Rogers. Every show started exactly the same way:  Fred Rogers would come in, change his shoes, put on his sweater and sing that "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood". The trolley would CLANG and the kids were swept away to the "Land of Make Believe" to follow the adventures of familiar characters like King Friday and Daniel Tiger.

Each story would have a lesson which Mr. Rogers would impart in the slow, gentle, reassuring voice that was his hallmark.

One of my adult children has disabilities and still enjoys the quiet, daily predictability of a visit to Mr. Rogers' neighborhood. 

For all the joy he brought to our kids, I'm thrilled that Mr. Rogers has been honored with a stamp. I'll happily buy enough to last me for awhile. . . And then maybe I'll pretend that Mr. McFeely will come to my neighborhood to pick them up for "Speedy Delivery"!

Thank you, Mr. Rogers.
'Nuff said.

This post is linked to:
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On the Porch


  1. Mr. Rogers lived in my neighborhood too. His many lessons became table talk discussions at our family dinners. His stamp is a well deserved tribute.

    1. I think Mr. Rogers "lived" in lots of our neighborhoods, Mary Elizabeth!

  2. I am thrilled to hear about Mr. Rogers forever stamp. My children grew up on Mr. Rogers and Sesame St. in the 80’s. I always loved the intertwining of his stories, music and the Land of Make Believe. His neighborhood was a wonderful place for all of us. Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely day!

    1. Hi Joan,
      My children loved Sesame St. as well and I loved watching both that and Mr. Rogers with them. Some days I still wish I could escape to the "Land of Make Believe", don't you?

  3. My kids loved Mr. Rogers in the 70s and early 80s too. And just think, all V neck button up sweaters are affectionately known as ‘Mr. Rogers’ sweaters so he has had a fashion impact too! I loved his gentle way of explaining everything. When I worked in direct mail marketing, public television stations across the country were my account. One of my contacts told me a story about going to a PBS conference where Fred was a keynote speaker and his stories of meeting children and how he impacted their lives left the entire audience in tears, what a wonderful man. As genuine in real life as he was on his show.

    1. Hi Laura,
      So good to hear from you. Good point about the sweaters; they always remind me of him. You could tell that he was a "real" person who wasn't acting but genuinely cared about kids. So glad they honored him with a stamp.

  4. I think I'll buy this stamp for my Son In Law's birthday today. My children grew up in the Mr. Rogers/Sesame Street era of late 70's early 80's and I must say I enjoyed the shows as much as they did. Mr Rogers still brings joy and now my Grands love the Daniel Tiger cartoons very much.

    1. Hi Linda, So good to hear from you! I agree that these stamps would make great gift for our Gen Xer children. I bet your son-in-law will love them! My daughter enjoys Daniel Tiger's neighborhood, too... so cute!

  5. Thanks for the info! I was just at our P.O. and didn’t see a thing about the new stamp. I’ll have to find them and stock up. I think he’s a National Treasure.

    1. I agree, Lori. A National Treasure for sure! Thanks for your comment. ~Cheryl

  6. Such an honorable man deserves to be honored.

  7. Hi Linda, I agree! Thanks for stopping by again, Cheryl


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