Thursday, March 15, 2018

A Tech Tip for Bloggers with Wanderlust

When you love to travel and love to write, consistent access to wifi can be a challenge. When we're on the road in our Casita we try to choose campgrounds with wifi but, especially in remote areas, many do not have a reliable connection. Even in some of the campgrounds with wifi, the service is inconsistent. One day, when I was especially frustrated trying to upload images for my blog from the phone, a friend offered to lend me his Verizon Jetpack. The rest is history.

I'm not particularly techy so it may be that you already know about this and similar devices from other carriers. But I didn't, so it seems worth sharing. The Verizon device costs $99.99. Once you turn it on you have access to the Internet through Verizon anywhere you are . . .  even in the middle of nowhere.

When we're on the road, as we are now (Rome, Georgia!), I set up my laptop and post at the little dinette in our Casita. Now that I have my very own Jetpack, I know I can do that anytime, anywhere. What a life changer for someone who loves to blog!

This isn't a commercial for Verizon as I assume all carriers offer a similar device. I just wish that I'd known about this technology sooner. So I wanted to pass this tip along just in case it will be helpful to you.

This is our last night in Georgia. Tomorrow we're on the road to Nashville, Tennessee.
I'll be using my new Jetpack to blog from there. Hope you'll follow along with us!


  1. You were in my neck of the woods!! Enjoy Tennessee! I kinda knew about this technology but not really. I would love that if I traveled like you do! Safe travels!

    1. Thanks, Linda. Not sure where you live but the South is beautiful; so much to see. I bought the Jetpack out if desperation on this trip; campground wifi just doesn't cut it. It works great for people on the go like us, but does count toward your data usage. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  2. This is such a great tip! My son camps and travels a lot, so I'll be passing this along. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Amy,
      So glad you found this helpful. I love my little Jetpack; hope it works for your son. Thanks for taking the time to comment!


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