Friday, August 28, 2015

Less Is More: Budget Living Room Re-do

If you've been following this blog, you know that I've been helping my sister prepare for retirement by decluttering and updating her newly-empty nest. She's been reorganizing using the KonMari method of keeping only "what sparks joy" in her home. Andi started with a major purge and the determination to "Collect Moments Not Things".
Now that her home is drastically decluttered, Andi is finally able to see the "bones" of her rooms and decide what she wants to put back, replace, or eliminate completely. This is the fun part!
Here's a peek at the newly-decluttered living room and a look at how we re-did it.

Before, the living room was had too much stuff and no focal point.
After the purge, we emptied the room completely (except for the heavy couch) so that we could look at it "with new eyes".

After seeing her room empty, Andi realized that she doesn't have to display all of her things that "spark joy"at the same time.  She emptied a few shelves in a closet in the back room to create a  has  a "decorating closet" . . . her pared down "stash" of seasonal accessories and collectibles that she can rotate through her home when she wants a change.
We also went to Pottery Barn for some inspiration. 
 The lamps in Andi's room "before" were too small and very dated. Andi liked these lamps at PB.

 Because we were on a budget, our second stop was Target, where we found similar lamps for less money. Like this one.
 And the floor lamp on the left in this photo.
We liked the simple silver base (her old one was shiny brass) and the contemporary square shade.

We were inspired by the large colored glass displays in the PB catalogue, especially this one in a  window very similar to the one in Andi's living room.. On our "inspiration-gathering trip", Andi found a large "faux" fall branch on Clearance at PB for $8.99 . . .

Image result for Pottery Barn colored glass vases

And this large green glass bottle from Home Goods to duplicate the PB look in her own bay window. The Home Goods vase, hand made in Spain, gives Andi's window a focal point . . . for only $29.99.

A bird-lover, Andi also fell in love with this throw cushion on Sale at Pottery Barn. The colors were perfect for her room.

The candle and holder on the window sill are PB-inspired  . . .

But ours are from Target.

The rusty chain was on Clearance at PB, marked down from $16.00 to at $3.99. It adds color, texture and a dash of the unexpected to Andi's room and we both just kind of liked it.  Andi even bought a second chain for me. (Hey, If we change our minds about using these in our rooms, we can both be Grim Reapers for Halloween!)

So here's another look at what we did in one weekend:


And After:

What did we learn?
1. Declutter, declutter, declutter! Keep only what you love.
2. Empty the room and try to see it with new eyes.
3. Seek inspiration at your favorite stores, blogs or magazines.
4. Update those 1990's lamps; lighting makes a huge impact in a room.
5. Use fewer accessories but make them BIGGER.
6. Don't feel you have to put all your favorite things out at the same time; rotate them.
6. Don't be afraid to try something a little "outside of the box" (like Andi's rusty chain!)
7. And . . . most importantly . . .
Less Is Definitely More!

 This post is being shared at:
Frugal Friday at The Shabby Nest
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Share Your Style at Common Ground
Flaunt It Friday at Chic On a Shoestring Decorating
Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors


  1. Love the new look. I'm slowly working on my decluttering and I am making a space to store my collections and accessories so I can change things out seasonally and as I feel like it. I've downsized several collections also. Love the great statement pieces.

  2. You all did a wonderful job. I love the new look. The chain is fun and unexpected.


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