Thursday, October 9, 2014

Amazing Women: Life Is Made Up of Moments

I just got an e-mail from Kendra, the woman who hosted the group of Searsport women who sewed forty-two scarves for women with cancer in one afternoon.  Kendra wrote:
"I received this today from one of the ladies~ she calls the group Kendra's Angels and can not wait for the next adventure.  She took the day off work so she could be here." 
Beneath this, Kendra copied what her friend had written to her and forwarded it on to me. I was so touched by what this woman wrote that I really wanted to share it. 

Here it is:
" When I heard about this event  (Kendra's scarf sewing party) , I looked forward to it every day.  
When I got there (of course, a couple of minutes late) my chair and sewing machine awaited me.
The assembly line was in motion, and the time went by in a flash - I couldn't believe it when you said the top stitching was already done.

Then we adjourned to your backyard where I stood in awe of the beautiful weather, the mammoth sunflowers in bloom, and watched the dogs romping gaily across the manicured fields.

Life is made up of moments - and this was one of those that will stay with me forever. 

Thankfully your daughter contributed by artistically hanging the kerchiefs on the line and freeze-framing the event with her photos.

It's like want to grab and hold onto the foliage because in no time, the leaves will drop from the trees and time will march on with whatever is next.
But we can pull these photos up any time and go back to the magic of that day. We bonded within our group and now have bonded with women across Maine. Yes, there was energy in the room!"
Photo courtesy of  Fiber College, Searsport 2014

I'm tempted to blog my thoughts, too."

To Kendra's friend . . .
You just did!

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

This post is linked to:
Show & Share at Coastal Charm
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Cozy Little House


  1. What a fantastic project and how much fun it must have been to participate.

    I love the sunflowers and the photo of the scarves all hanging together.

  2. That scarf photo would make a great painting. This is the time of year for FUN. I have to see that pumpkin fest
    in Daramascotta, Me. Enjoy the Leaves. yvonne

  3. Such a great post! Thanks for sharing! Found you on the Coastal Charm link up party =)

  4. Beautiful post! It is so rewarding to have a group to come together and end up with a lasting bond. Warms my heart... thank you girls for your thoughtfulness to those who are stricken with cancer. God bless them and each of you.


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